Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey beautiful boy... THANK YOU!!

Finally I had more than 3 hours sleep straight. You didn't let me go to bed when I wanted but I got to bed about midnite. I didn't wake til 9:15 and you were only just waking. I let you wake up and lay in bed and listened to you chat away to your mobile. It amazes me how happy you seem first thing in the morning!

You had your doctors appointment on Tuesday. He seems to be happy with your progress, and despite the spica you still seem to be keeping up with the 'norm'. You surprise me everyday with the things you can do. You've been able to roll over without your brace on, and you love to roll from your front to your back. Your favourite past-time at the moment is pulling on your socks, pulling your socks off and sucking on your toes!! CHEEKY!!

Im hoping that you will start taking formula soon, as those teethy pegs are so close!! Your cheeks are always red from teething. Must go, you look hungry!
Hope you behave as your cousin Chelsea will be here for the afternoon as she was yesterday.
*hugs hugs n more hugs*

Friday, May 19, 2006

ROLLING OVER!! argh! Well done my boy.

Hey Greggie,
From now on I've gotta keep a real eye on you from now on.... You managed to roll over from your back to your tummy while I was changing your nappy earlier this evening! argh! Well done! Im so proud of you.

Its been a busy day. We both got to have a sleep in (thank you!) then after lunch we went shopping with A.Lynda and Chelsea. It was the first time I left you in the pram for the whole time and you didn't winge too much at all!! YAYAYAY I didnt have to carry you!
Its just you and me for dinner tonite... don't know what 'we'll' have yet.

Yesterday we spent some time with A.Megs. Her bub is due in about 7 weeks!! argh! so close!!! (But for her its still feels like forever away!) We sat down and helped her figure out some of the other little things she still needed to get and showed us all the things she has ready for your little cousin. She even let you use the walker..... well your feet didn't touch the ground but you were so excited at the toys, you didn't know which toys to play with first. You are so gorgeous.

Your dad also surprised us last night. We had dinner at Nanna and Cookie-pas and your dad turned up! He gave me a fright but you were excited to see him!

Anyhow - I gotta go get my dinner while you sleep. You're wonderful, have I told you that yet?
Sleep well my little prince

Monday, May 15, 2006

Your new jacket...

Hey baby-boy, Your new jacket arrived today.

When I took the photo I didn't know what happened to your sock... I found it after I took the photo. You were so happy on the lounge after I took your jacket off that I decided to take another photo :o). I so can't resist your cheeky smile!!

Its a good day, although Ive been tired you've been a good bub! You let me sleep-in this morning then let me go back to bed after a quick feed and change.
You also slept over lunchtime while I had pancakes and icecream with Aunty Pammie.
When you woke we you showed off in the Jolly Jumper, you're such a smile boy!
Later in the afternoon we headed off to visit Great Gran & Poppa who were so happy to see you. You were even happy while I had dinner with them (yes... ya father is away again! argh!)

Speaking of your father, he watched you via web-cam tonite as you played and chewed on your feet - wish I was still that flexible!! lol!

I love you baby-boy, I look at you and am in disbelief as to how quickly you are growing!
*hugs* Sleep well tonite, off to Playgroup tomorrow.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! A Surprise for mum!!!

Hello my boy, Its been a good day for mum! Dad heard you this morning and got you up out of bed. I got to have a little sleep-in! (yay!) While I fed you, your dad cooked bacon and eggs for me for breakfast *yummy*.
Your Grandma and Grandad came over after lunch and you showed off in your Jolly Jumper.
When they left you had a sleep, and I went to Aunty Lyndas to finish the m'day cards and your Daddy looked after you. Your Great Gran Readford loved the card and photos!

When I got home you were crying :o( but soon cheered up after a feed. We sat you on the floor without your brace on and you sat there ALL BY YOURSELF!! It was so exciting. I think you knew that you were doing something special because your father and I were clapping and telling you just how clever you are!! You stayed sitting up by yourself for a minute, maybe a little longer before falling backwards to look at me. I just hugged and hugged you.
You are growing up!
I just know it wont be long before we need to keep such a close eye on you because you'll be crawling or walking and getting into everything!! ARGH! Please just wait til your Dad comes home from being away!!! hehehe
*hugs* Love you lots

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dear my boy,

It seems like today was a long day.... perhaps that might be because I'm short on sleep at the moment... any suggestions as to why? (Hugs!)

Your Uncle Andy got his licence today *yay* so stay off the footpaths!! argh! hehehe. We also went shopping. Tomorrow is Mothers Day (and the first time that I get to celebrate as a MUM!). We visited Nanna and took her a little pressie and a card with your little footprint on it. It seems like she'll need a new wall just to hang photos on especially with Aunty Megssys bub on the way so soon!!

After dinner we went around to Grandma and Grandads to check up on the broadband and stuff. While we were there you were such a show off!! We put you on your tummy (without your brace) and you managed to move about 15-20 cm along the mat to reach a toy. You pushed off my hands and wiggled around on your tummy. It was quite an achievement! Well done my son, I'm proud of you :o). I've also been singing (or trying as the case may be) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and doing actions with it. Tonite at Grandma and Grandads you tried to copy me!! Your little hands opened up and you moved your little fingers ever so slightly! well done :o)
As we were leaving, Tilly (the cat) came to the front door. Grandad picked him up and your Dad and Grandma both started to pat her. You leaned out from me, arms out-stretched trying to reach the cat!! We let you touch her and you patted her ever so gently. Awww!!

Well I hope we all have a good sleep tonite as you've gotta be good for me tomorrow!! ;o) I've planned to leave you and Chelsea with Uncle Grum and your Dad - you'll get to watch the car races!! - while Aunty Lynda and I spoil ourselves with an outing for a cuppa and chat. We'll see what happens.
Anyhow... night night my boy, you're growing up waaaaay too fast!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We're back!
Well some of us anyhow..
Yesterday afternoon, I decided I missed your dad waaaaaaaay to much and so I packed the car and we went on a road trip :o). He's working out at Coona again this week until friday. We arrived in Coonabarabran about 6:45 after seeing at least 20 roos on the road alive.... (not counting any that had become roadkill.) It was quite a nice drive as I listened and sang to Veggietales all the way. You slept nearly all the way except for the first 10-15 mins where you seemed to be 'singing' with me :o)
We went to the Coona Bowling Club for dinner where we met up with some of the people your dad is working with at the council. After dinner we went back to the hotel and watched some TV (Mostly it was just news tonite as the trapped miners in Beaconsfield were freed finally!)and you had a bath in the 'big bath' in the hotel room.
You slept quite well and we went shopping this morning in Coona - ok, we looked in 2 shops.... then went for an iced-chocolate although you decided it was more important to cry!!
We met up with dad for Subway for lunch before heading to the hotel for a nap (yes for us both :oP).
On the way out of Coona, we caught up with one a mum of one of my friends who I went to uni with. She was so excited to meet you. You were intruigued by her little puppy!!
We got home tonight and had dinner with Grandma and Grandad. You had your first taste of weet-box - alothough you thought YUCK! So went and got you some pears and cereal which you seemed to like a lot more :o) I think for once you ended up with more in your tummy then on your clothes *yay*. You also had your first taste of milk arrowroot bikkies while the grown-ups ate dinner. Besides throwing them on the floor, you seemed to like them very much and grinned and munched, munched and grinned.
Even after your screaming match at home, I still seem to find myself with a tear in my eye thinking about you... I even just go into your room to check on you because you look just so peaceful.... *sigh*
I love you lots Greggles and hope you have a wonderful sleep... can't wait to see what the rest of the week will bring.
love ya

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just a quick note to say hi! I love you!! You bring tears of joy to me when I watch you smile.
You also look so peaceful while you sleep!
lotsa hugs
from Mum

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hey darling boy,
Yesterday we went to Orange for a drive. A family day out. We went to Bathurst to go to the Computer Fair where your dad bought a webcam so that while he is away this week we can see him too :o). We met up with Godma Julie and her brother Scott at the fair. We went to Maccas before we headed to Nathans and said hi. We ended up back in Orange at Julies place about 5:00 and you wouldnt settle - a new place, too much to look at!

When you finally went to sleep, it gave us enough time to get ready to go out. It was Julies birthday party and we went out for dinner. Thank you for being quite good :o) Everyone thought you are gorgeous (as do I but I'm ya mum :oP).
I hope you have a wonderful sleep and we have a wonderful week this week although your dad won't be here (away at Warrumbungles).
Lots of hugs and hugs!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hey Darling boy,
I missed you today! I went to work and Aunty Lynda looked after you. I came home at lunchtime to feed you coz you're fussy!!! (hugs) You've still got the most gorgeous smile and your eyes lit up when I came home to see you at lunchtime.

You didn't sleep really well last night but I'll forgive you this once as you had your shots yesterday and they tend to make you a little upset and miserable.
Dad is still away at Warrumbungles tonight - I know he misses you and you miss him. We set up a webcam so that he could see you and you could hear Dad. Dad loves watching you in the bouncer and calls out 'bouncy wouncy' and you look around for Dad everywhere!!
Anyhow... I'm sending out huge hugs and hoping that you sleep well.. I'm about to hit the hay too, you look so peaceful when you're asleep!
*hugs hugs and more hugs*

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hey greggggggg

Your dad here. Hows it going? I'm in Coonabarabran at the moment and wish I was not here but was in Dubbo and could help your mum!

Work is getting on but is taking longer than it should. Its amazing that these things happen when you least expect it. From reports you are looking after mum which is good.

You look after her and be good now. I am hugging you and your mum lots and lots.

Take care and smile!


Dear Gregory

Dear my beautiful boy,
This is the first of many letters I plan to write to you. Looking back I wished I had started earlier, anyhow!

We bought your first pair of shoes today from Kids of Dubbo. While we were getting into the car we saw Nanna Cook. We went up and met some of her friends and saw Cookie-Pa too. It was your first visit to their workplace. I plan to take you to visit there more often! I can't wait til you can climb the stairs all by yourself.... I'm sure that it won't be too far away.

Today you are over 6 months old and went for your six month check up with the midwives. Here they weighed you (you're now 7.35 kg) and measured your length and head circumference. You also had your six month booster shots.... and you cried! I don't like seeing you cry like that but I know that you'll be better for it all.

You've already spent 12 weeks in a pavlik harness then 12 weeks in a spica plaster cast and you coped quite well.
I love you muchly! I plan to update this as soon as possible, and let you know what you've been up to and how you've been progressing.
Love Mum