ROLLING OVER!! argh! Well done my boy.
Hey Greggie,
From now on I've gotta keep a real eye on you from now on.... You managed to roll over from your back to your tummy while I was changing your nappy earlier this evening! argh! Well done! Im so proud of you.
Its been a busy day. We both got to have a sleep in (thank you!) then after lunch we went shopping with A.Lynda and Chelsea. It was the first time I left you in the pram for the whole time and you didn't winge too much at all!! YAYAYAY I didnt have to carry you!
Its just you and me for dinner tonite... don't know what 'we'll' have yet.
Yesterday we spent some time with A.Megs. Her bub is due in about 7 weeks!! argh! so close!!! (But for her its still feels like forever away!) We sat down and helped her figure out some of the other little things she still needed to get and showed us all the things she has ready for your little cousin. She even let you use the walker..... well your feet didn't touch the ground but you were so excited at the toys, you didn't know which toys to play with first. You are so gorgeous.
Your dad also surprised us last night. We had dinner at Nanna and Cookie-pas and your dad turned up! He gave me a fright but you were excited to see him!
Anyhow - I gotta go get my dinner while you sleep. You're wonderful, have I told you that yet?
Sleep well my little prince
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