"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

planes trains and automobiles

Well Mr Greggie,
Busy busy boy!!

We've been up to a lot since I last wrote to you. You're still getting over the cold but have beat the worst of it now.
Here's what we've done recently.

Aunty Val & Uncle Jon came up for a visit to celebrate A.Val, A.Lynda and my birthday. You and Chelsea helped blow out the candles and cut the cake. We had a great night. A.Val got her bday surprise pressie of Singstar for PS2 early and we all had a go - you did too... You have to TALK into the microphone for it to work!! hehehe...
Helping with the Cake

Monday before my birthday we were (You, Dad, Me & Mitch) having lunch over the bridge & stopped in to see Gran & Grandad at the shop. While we were there I was telling Gran how much you like pointing to the sky when you hear and any planes - you try to find it in the sky but can't always. Well your dad and I decided that we had time before he had to be back at work to take you to the airport. Mitchell was asleep in the car so we parked near the fence and jumped out and pointed the planes out to you. While we were there 3 different planes took off. You watched them taxied to the runway and take off into the sky and disappear. You were so excited!!

The next day was my birthday. We went to Playgroup in the morning, then picked Dad up for lunch. On the way home I remembered that it was cheaper on your birthday to go to the Zoo, so I picked up some water and snacks for us (Mitchell was having a sleep! aww!) and the 3 of us went to the zoo. We drove around and when we got to the animals which were beside the road you and I jumped out and went and had a look. We saw the giraffes first. It was quite exciting although you seemed to be more interested in the statue of the baby giraffe at the edge of the enclosure more! Oh well. We saw a few different animals including the elephants (you made the noise and moved your arm like a trunk!) ....hippos and monkeys (yes you did the wiggles monkey!! lol!). It was a lovely afternoon, I only wish daddy had been there with us.
How'd he get THAT tall?

Look!! The MONKEY!!!
We went to Gran & Grandads for a yummy baked dinner.... which you didn't really eat except when it came to choccie cake & icecream!! You are too much like ya mum!

I also go the chance to head back to work and while I did you spent some time at A.Lynda's with Chelsea, Jared. Mitchell went with you too. It sounded like you had a lovely time.

Recently Mitch also spent some time in hospital. You were lucky in a way because you got to spend quality time with Dad while I was looking after Mitchell. You became very clingy everytime I came home because you started missing me!! (Well I did miss you tooo!)

Today you went to E.I. and the are quite impressed with your progress. You're even learning how to climb ladders! Its so fun watching you - even if you do throw a tantrum or 2 when you don't get to back into the ball pit!! For lunch today you went to Great Gran and Poppas and stayed there for a play while I took Mitch for his post-hospital check up. Seeing as they are moving all their furniture back after getting new carpet they were putting videos back into the shelves and you spotted the Wiggles video. You pointed and danced until the put it in for you. You took your shoes off and showed off your Wags Socks too!!

Well I should head to bed. We still have a busy few days - it may slow down after Thursday but the calender gets more things on it every day!! Tomorrow is playgroup and Wednesday you'll be with A.Lynda, Chelsea and Jared because I'm working again.
Love you lots....
(P.S. Please stop riding over your brother with your little bike? It would be helpful!!)
(PPS - will add pics hopefully tomorrow)


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