"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, September 24, 2007


Hey Mr Greggie.
You're such a big boy now - sleeping in the big bed for both day and night sleeps now. Last week you helped me pack up the cot. When we changed the sheets you chose the Tazzie doona cover and lay down on your pillow all excited!
We also put some posters up in your room - nothing less than v8 supercars!! You were so excited that after we put them up you went and told dad and showed him 6 times in 15 mins!!! Also anytime someone new came to the house you told them car! and pointed to your room and took them in to show them..... it was quite funny! You also now have a picture of an plane and the sesame street characters too - you can (sorta) say cookie (as in cookie monster).

You've also started family day care (FDC). It's really lucky that your career picks you up and drops you back off afterwards too! You attend on Thursdays. The first day you came home and walked in the front door I mentioned to you that Mitchell was on the loungeroom floor and you ran in and gave him huge cuddle. You both smiled and giggled at each other and started a real conversation as if to say "how was your day?" & "what were you up to?".

You now sit at the dining table for meals (not in the high chair very much) on a small booster. You think you are just sooooo cool, just one of us now :o).
Must scoot


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