"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, August 27, 2007

Temps & words & kites

Mr Greggie!
So much to tell you but not much time lately to tell you about it all!!
You're a busy boy now - you've started saying a lot more words and communicating a heap more. This last week you can say "Chelseas", "Thomas" (as in the tank engine), "mum" - you say it when you want to!!, "Dorothy" now that your dinosaur has turned up you can say her name! and "cat" and a few others that I cant think of atm! You also use some sign language - it was raining the other day - you have a table & chair near the window now and saw it - and you came and did the rain action (I've used it in songs before but can't remember telling you "that is rain") but you came and pointed to the window, told a huge story and made the rain action! ooo clever!

I think that lately you're getting some new teethy pegs!! Must be your 2yr molars I think - you've been getting irregular high temps. Nothing cool baths, panadol, and outside with only a nappy on can't fix!! hehe. Even with the high temps you still want to give Mitchie hugs and make sure that he is ok. You love ya brother!!

On the weekend we went to the E.I Kite Day - paid a donation and you got to decorate your own kite and fly it. It was so much fun & knowing that the $ goes to a cause that we make good use of :o)

There is so much more to tell you but I've run out of awake time (yet again) and I know that I'll be checking up on you through the night!!
Love you muchly my growing boy!!


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