"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dear Gregory

Dear my beautiful boy,
This is the first of many letters I plan to write to you. Looking back I wished I had started earlier, anyhow!

We bought your first pair of shoes today from Kids of Dubbo. While we were getting into the car we saw Nanna Cook. We went up and met some of her friends and saw Cookie-Pa too. It was your first visit to their workplace. I plan to take you to visit there more often! I can't wait til you can climb the stairs all by yourself.... I'm sure that it won't be too far away.

Today you are over 6 months old and went for your six month check up with the midwives. Here they weighed you (you're now 7.35 kg) and measured your length and head circumference. You also had your six month booster shots.... and you cried! I don't like seeing you cry like that but I know that you'll be better for it all.

You've already spent 12 weeks in a pavlik harness then 12 weeks in a spica plaster cast and you coped quite well.
I love you muchly! I plan to update this as soon as possible, and let you know what you've been up to and how you've been progressing.
Love Mum


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