"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Friday, September 07, 2007

Big boy in the BIG BED

Heya Mr Greggie,
Its been a fun week or so. There is a lot happening at the moment.
You've started saying a lot more words and identifying sooooooo many pictures. Yesterday you came out with crocodile (or close too!), and bird and heaps of others. We went outside and you were able to find the trees and birds and planes. You were even brave enough to touch a tree!! Very hesitant, You also touched a few other trees and plants, all with different leaves and textures, it was great to watch your reaction.
The big news is that...... you slept in the BIG bed last night. Yesterday you helped me set up the safety rail, make the bed, put all the toys & your pillow there ready for a sleep. At bedtime last night, Daddy and I both came in and climbed on the bed with you and we all read a story before dad said night and turned off the light. You and I lay down and you cuddled me and teddy and bunny. After a couple of minutes, I left you laying down under the blanket. I kissed you goodnight and told you how proud I am of you.
I came back to check you about 15 mins later and you were sound asleep!! You did stir through the night but managed to put yourself back to sleep! Well done. This morning I was up with Mitchell and you woke up and I had left your door and loungeroom door unlatched and you came out and joined us all by yourself! It was lovely to see you walk through the door when you were ready! *hugs*
Anyhow, I should go & organise your brekky, Mitchell and the things for the day.
Luv ya my BIG BOY (all growing up waaaaaaay too quickly!)
(Oh i will add some photos when i get them from the camera!)


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