Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Trip and stuff

Hey darling boy,!
What a weekend! We left home on friday evening with Dad and drove to Sydney where we stayed with Andrew and Maree. You were pretty good on the drive up there. We stopped in Lucknow on the way through to change and feed you - you saw the steering wheel and thought you were in heaven!! You were also waving to all the cars as they drove by!! You goose :o)
We got to Maree and Andrews place where we all just went to bed - it didn't take much more than a nappy change and a small bottle and you were out to it!
We had to be up and gone by 7:30 which wasn't too hard seeing as you woke up at 6:00!! (yeh thanks!). At least we weren't late. As we drove near the hospital we saw Uncle Jon & Aunty Vals car. They ended up following us to the hospital where we swapped cars..... well... you stayed with our car, Val and Jon and Kim (Vals friend) joined you and your toys and stuff! It was up to them where and what you were going to do for the day.
(Your father and I went to a conference at the childrens hospital.) We met back up with you at Aunty Val and Uncle Jons where we saw a sleepy Aunty and Uncle and very alert Gregory! You had worn them out!! They had taken you shopping where apparently you waved and giggled and smiled at anyone you possibly could. They said that you were a very good boy and hardly noticed that I (well... us!) weren't there. (aww) But you were extremely happy to see me and dad when we walked in! Thank you so much for being such a good boy!

After leaving Aunty Val and Uncle Jons we went to see cousin Taylah and her new baby sister Jaime, Debbie, Wally, Karina and Aunty Marg, Uncle Phil and Pappa. The drive there wasn't too bad as you hadn't slept much at all with Aunty Val and Uncle Jon that as soon as we went through a tunnel you were out to it!! *aww*
We had to wake you when we got to Peakhurst but you were so excited to see a little baby! We went in and said hello to Debbie Wally and Jaime before heading down to Aunty Margs and Uncle Phils where Taylah was. You guys had a great time playing on the floor together before standing at the coffee table and playing with magnetic letters.
We ended up staying for a yummy BBQ and you managed to throw all the food I gave you onto the floor! Cheeky boy!

After we left Peakhurst we went to visit Dan who has moved again. hehehe... after driving around for 20 mins we finally found a parking spot! We went into Dans where you had a bottle and I had a drink & Paulie and Dan had a mess around with his REALLY FAST internet. We finally headed back to Andrew and Marees where you fell asleep in the car. I managed to get you out of the car still asleep, but when I got to the door AJ (their puppy) went skitz to see us! Anyhow we managed to keep him calm enough to get you to bed without waking you. Maree and I then oraganised somethings for our trip to Bathurst. We are so excited about it!!

Sunday morning Dad took you to pick Dan up and you went to the Computer Fair at UNSW (I think?..) but you had a great time apparently waving at people and smiling at others (doesn't sound much like the Gregory I know!! haha). They took you to McDonalds near the uni for lunch where you promptly took Dans chippies and ate them!! hehee
While you were with Dad, I had some retail therapy with Andrew and Maree at Parklea Markets (gee I feel so much better!). I bought you some sandles and some pants and myself some shoes too!

i'll finish this all soon! sorry its taken so long

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"HELPING" mummy....

We've had a pretty good day today you & I. We managed to get 3 loads of washing hung out, brought back inside and folded.... well.... sorra..... hehee... And we saw Great Grandma and Grandpa Aikins for a while. It was funny coz Grandpa let you play with the remote for his chair (its one with a remote to help lift you out.... stands you up) and you played quite well with it for quite some time before you pressed any of the buttons...No sooner had I whispered to Gran that you'd stand Grandpa up in a minute than we saw Grandpas chair lifting and he wasn't quite sure what was going on! You had pressed the button without realising! hahaha. Gran and I giggled while I slyly took the remote and set Grandpa and his chair back to the sitting position. It was quite a funny event... I'm sure to remember it for a while and I know it put a smile on Grans face too.
This evening your father is away again!! Ah well... but you and I enjoyed our pizza together before you ate your apple custard - you did a great job tonight!! Well done!! You even had a bath afterwards (well you kinda NEED it after you eat with a spoon ... grrr!).
Well.... I had just finished cleaning up our lounge room... did the folding and put your toys back in your box and I went into the kitchen to get your bottles ready for tomorrow and i came out to find a trail of destruction.... you had found the clothes-basket of your clothes which I had yet to fold (oops..) but you had 1/2 pulled them out anyhow!! *phew i didnt fold them!!*

I went back into the kitchen and came back out to find you at the pegs...... uh-oh!!! You had unpacked the peg tin which WAS full to over-flowing before you pulled them all out.....

I took a picture - I call it "the trail of destruction"... you didn't leave one thing untouched... well... you didn't get into your bag only because the zippers were done up!! You are a goose, but MY goose and I love you lots. I thought maybe if Aunty Val needs help with her folding on the weekend you'd be more than eager to help her too! ;) hehehe

Anyhow, I hope that you have a good day tomorrow as you'll be with Aunty Lynda & Chelsea as I am working. I'll miss ya lots!!
Have a wonderful sleep my darling and see you in the morning :o)

*hugs & snuggles*

Monday, September 18, 2006

Great Aunty

Heya bub.
Cousin Chelsea came here for a while today while Aunty Lynda was at work. You guys had some fun for quite some time! Soon after they left we both had a rest. We went round to Grandmas tonight and had dinner (and you had a bath :oP) as your dad is away in Coonabarabran again. (Grandad should get home tomorrow so that we will see him sometime soon too).
You had some fun with your *great Aunty Rel.

I'm missing your daddy lots n lots. It seems as though hes gone more than what he really is. I know you miss him too!!

We'll hopefully go to Playgroup tomorrow - depends on how we are both feeling come 11:00 tomorrow morning!!
anyhow .... I hope you have a great sleep. Sending you lots of hugs and stuff!! Love you my boy!! xoxox

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hey Darling!
Its been a pretty good day today. We've been outside for a while, got to sit in the car and pretend to drive (you thought it was fantastic!) You went and saw Great Aunty Rel (I'll get some pics from Grandma!) you also saw your Great Gran and Grandpa, Aunty Pam Uncle Grum Aunty Lynda and Chelsea!
Busy busy day :o)
Dad and I took you grocery shopping where you proceeded to make sure that everything that went into the trolley was OK by you! lol.
Tonight after dinner you sat in your bouncer while dad and I ate our dinner. You just giggled and played - as you can tell from the pics!!
Its getting more and more fun to keep you in one spot now, you are either rolling, crawling forwards or backwards.
You managed to roll your ball from one end of the mat to the other then crawled after it! You are so funny *hugs*
Grandma and great Aunty Rel will be here for tea tomorrow night. I hope that you are in the same happy mood!!
Well I'm gunna get to bed (seeing as thats where you are and I gotta sleep while I can!)
Lots of hugs n hugs n hugs!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hey darling, Thought i'd like the world to see what you've been up to! You've been sleeping! Well I put you to bed in your cot, STRAIGHT, I heard you stir and by the time I had gotten to you, you were sleeping again!! - but in a different position - feet out to the side of the cot - not sure how comfotable you are but you are still asleep!! *hugs*

You spent yesterday at Aunty Lyndas while I was at work and spent this morning there too. I miss my time with you!! Tonight you're going to have some time with Grandma and 'great' Aunty Rel!! (:P) I'm head out to a school musical.

Your dad is in Coonabarabran tonight but will be home tomorrow. I know we'll both miss him!
You are nearly over your cold - that cheecky sparkle is back in your eye!! hehehe.

Anyhow - I think you're finally stiring and I know that you'll be stuck!! argh! better go rescue you! *hugs*
Love you lots!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hey Darling,
You've spent today with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea as I worked. I would much rather have been with you!!
I dropped you off there this morning and as I put you down to go you took 4 crawls FORWARDS!! woohoo!! It was so exciting! I didn't wanna go! lol
We also went to Grandmas (Grandad is away...) coz Great Aunty Rel was there :o). You hadn't met her before and she loved you :o) - lucky coz her and Grandma are babysitting tomorrow night when I go out to the Primary Musical.
Anyhow - must get sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep - this cold is getting the better of me - but not you - you're almost over it! *phew*
Huggles my Greggles!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Morning Aunty Val!

Hey Greggie,
Heres some piccies for Aunty Val taken this morning :o) Good morning to everyone who is up this early in the moring - ok so its not THAT early but hey :o)
Emma is coming to visit and will be here a little later this morning *yay* I don't know if you'll remember her but she may be bringing her doggie Alaska :o) We'll see.

Love you lots! xoxox Mummy

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Oops... New things ,... & doing not much...

Hey baby boy,
I've been a little slack in updating your bloggie! I'm sorry! We've celebrated Fathers Day with your daddy - his first ever :o) As you can see you are with Daddy and Uncle Grum has Chelsea. It was a great first fathers day for your daddy as you 4 along with Uncle Andy spent the day watching the v8 car races on TV.

The week in review:
Monday: Steve Irwin passed away in freak stingray attack.
Tuesday: Playgroup - we took biccies and choccie cake and had a wonderful time!! You sat on the mat with all the other kids playing so nicely and eating biccies and making a huge mess!
Wednesday: Chelsea was here for a while - you played so nicely together!! Sitting either side of your shape-o toy and sharing. At one stage you had a soccer ball each but you decided you liked the one Chelsea had better!! lol!! Chelsea got her needles too :o( On Wednesday evening we went around to Grandma and Grandads and stayed for dinner - Uncle Grum, Aunty Lynda and Chelsea were there too - but we (you and I) didn't stay for too long after dinner as you were a little grumpy. Your daddy was away in Coona and we missed him terribly - especially seeing as you didn't sleep very well!! We found out why on Friday!
Thursday: You stayed with Aunty Lynda while I went to work. I got there to pick you up and you were fast asleep - I got to have a 2 hour nap in the afternoon before your daddy turned up to look after you while I went to Naomis for a while.
Friday: Chelsea came over as Aunty Lynda worked from 9-2! So it was much fun :o) Both Chelsea and you were asleep at the same time so I was able to have a bit of a nap too!! THANKIES!! Its also been a tough week as I've had a cold - hence all the extra reststststs - I had started getting over it and your darling daddy caught it (don't know why he'd do such a thing!) and passed it onto you!! It was the last thing you needed! 4:00 Friday afternoon I discovered why! You had cut your 5th tooth! Well done... its still coming through slowly. I think this adds to the whole cold, cough, headache horrible feeling. Today was also a sad day as motor racing legend Peter Brock died in a motor racing accident. We were all in a state of disbelief.

The weather this weekend has been nothing much to write about - its felt just as cold and dreary as your cold! Your dad has found it to be GREAT kite flying weather tho! So much so the strings broke on the dual control kite.
Anyhow - watching some of the formula one and its getting REALLY late so I'm off to bed. Nite nite to you all ... sleep well my darling!
hugs xoxox