Hey Darling!
Its been a pretty good day today. We've been outside for a while, got to sit in the car and pretend to drive (you thought it was fantastic!) You went and saw Great Aunty Rel (I'll get some pics from Grandma!) you also saw your Great Gran and Grandpa, Aunty Pam Uncle Grum Aunty Lynda and Chelsea!
Busy busy day :o)
Dad and I took you grocery shopping where you proceeded to make sure that everything that went into the trolley was OK by you! lol.
Tonight after dinner you sat in your bouncer while dad and I ate our dinner. You just giggled and played - as you can tell from the pics!!
Its getting more and more fun to keep you in one spot now, you are either rolling, crawling forwards or backwards.

You managed to roll your ball from one end of the mat to the other then crawled after it! You are so funny *hugs*
Grandma and great Aunty Rel will be here for tea tomorrow night. I hope that you are in the same happy mood!!
Well I'm gunna get to bed (seeing as thats where you are and I gotta sleep while I can!)
Lots of hugs n hugs n hugs!
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