Oops... New things ,... & doing not much...

Hey baby boy,
I've been a little slack in updating your bloggie! I'm sorry! We've celebrated Fathers Day with your daddy - his first ever :o) As you can see you are with Daddy and Uncle Grum has Chelsea. It was a great first fathers day for your daddy as you 4 along with Uncle Andy spent the day watching the v8 car races on TV.
The week in review:
Monday: Steve Irwin passed away in freak stingray attack.
Tuesday: Playgroup - we took biccies and choccie cake and had a wonderful time!! You sat on the mat with all the other kids playing so nicely and eating biccies and making a huge mess!
Wednesday: Chelsea was here for a while - you played so nicely together!! Sitting either side of your shape-o toy and sharing. At one stage you had a soccer ball each but you decided you liked the one Chelsea had better!! lol!! Chelsea got her needles too :o( On Wednesday evening we went around to Grandma and Grandads and stayed for dinner - Uncle Grum, Aunty Lynda and Chelsea were there too - but we (you and I) didn't stay for too long after dinner as you were a little grumpy. Your daddy was away in Coona and we missed him terribly - especially seeing as you didn't sleep very well!! We found out why on Friday!
Thursday: You stayed with Aunty Lynda while I went to work. I got there to pick you up and you were fast asleep - I got to have a 2 hour nap in the afternoon before your daddy turned up to look after you while I went to Naomis for a while.
Friday: Chelsea came over as Aunty Lynda worked from 9-2! So it was much fun :o) Both Chelsea and you were asleep at the same time so I was able to have a bit of a nap too!! THANKIES!! Its also been a tough week as I've had a cold - hence all the extra reststststs - I had started getting over it and your darling daddy caught it (don't know why he'd do such a thing!) and passed it onto you!! It was the last thing you needed! 4:00 Friday afternoon I discovered why! You had cut your 5th tooth! Well done... its still coming through slowly. I think this adds to the whole cold, cough, headache horrible feeling. Today was also a sad day as motor racing legend Peter Brock died in a motor racing accident. We were all in a state of disbelief.
The weather this weekend has been nothing much to write about - its felt just as cold and dreary as your cold! Your dad has found it to be GREAT kite flying weather tho! So much so the strings broke on the dual control kite.
Anyhow - watching some of the formula one and its getting REALLY late so I'm off to bed. Nite nite to you all ... sleep well my darling!
hugs xoxox
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