A special first

HUGS!!! We've been busy since I last wrote. Friday after lunch we ended up going to the park with Makayla and A.Megan and Mitchell. YOu and Makayla enjoyed riding on some of the equipment and going on the slipperydip. We also ended up going to another park so that you and Makka could have a go on a swing (the one at the 1st park was missing). The photos of you and Makka are from Friday.

On Saturday we stayed home for a while - I cant really remember what we got up to for most of the day!! Sunday for lunch we went to the park with A.Lynda, U.Grum and Chelsea and Dad. We had yummy hot chip sandwiches. We took some photos before you had a quick play on the equipment.
Today you went to A.Lyndas and played with Chelsea while I took Mitchell to have some tests done. I arrived there when U.Grum was home for lunch and you only had one shoe on!! You must have had some fun.
When we left there we went to visit Great Gran & Poppa. It was good to see them - we haven't been to their house for ages. Gran gave you a toy car to play with then Poppa gave you one as well. You ended up with 3! Gran helped give you your FIRST haircut!!! We sat you in the highchair and moved the tray part. You sat there quite well playing with your cars. I kept the hair from your haircut and have put it in your scrapbook - Gran has some photos from your haircut which I will get from her later so I can put your scrapbook page together.
You're currently dancing to the wiggles - the monkey song!! You just finished trying to 'stand on one foot and shake your hands'. You look so cute!!!
Tomorrow we are going to Playgroup in the morning, and probably have lunch with Dad somewhere.
Anyhow, best go check on diinner!!! I'm hungry, I'm sure you are too.
Love ya
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