"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Friday, April 20, 2007

Down on the farm

Hey there Greggie,
Ive been meaning to update but I've been a little busy!! Its been an interesting week, and you've been trying to adjust to all the new things happening at home. We've had some visitors - Aunty Lynda and Chelsea, Makayla and Aunty Megan, Naomi, Nanna, Grandma and Grandad.

On Friday 13th April, you went to Linda's (from Dads work) farm for the day. Linda was working from home and was delighted to look after you for the day. It gave your dad and I a chance to get the paper work and other stuff for Mitchell done.

As you can tell from the photos, you had a wonderful day!! Shaun and Linda took you to see all the animals....

You saw the cockatoos.... careful they don't bite you!!!

You got to 'feed' the chickens.... well apparently you didn't like throwing the food at them... I don't understand! You like throwing food off your highchair at home!! hehehe

Linda took you over to pat the horse. You got all the way over to the horse paddock and one of the kittens followed you. Instead of being interested in the horse, you wanted to play with the kitten!! Eventually the kitten headed back to the house and you became interested in the horse. You even got to pat him!!
I heard that you loved playing with the kittens on the front porch too.
As you got back to the house for lunch you saw the bell and Shaun took you over to ring it. I'm not sure who had more fun, you or Shaun!! You certainly kept him busy.
After lunch you played inside for a while,,... 'helped' Shaun play the PS2. Linda also gave you a bath so you smelt lovely when we came to pick you up before dinner time. I wish I could have been there to see you with all the animals. I missed you so much while I was in hospital with Mitchell. All day I kept asking your dad if we could go and pick you up yet! He said you'd be fine... I don't think he understood that I wanted to see you!!

Monday afternoon we went on our first 'family' outing with Mitchell. We went to the mall to get some supplies. While we were there we saw a small motorbike.... which you promptly pointed out to me and really wanted to sit on.... It meant that you got dressed in some jeans and a little denim jacket and sat on the bike while some ladies took photos of you. You've been entered into a competition... there were a few problems with this situation.... - you liked to turn the handlebars/front wheel... so you would look at what you were doing and not the camera, the wheel was facing the wrong way in the photos, and you didn't want to get off!! We eventually managed to distract you with a ball.... the photographers couldn't believe how much personality you have... you kept trying to hug one of the ladies! You're gorgeous. I can't wait to see what the photos turn out like :o)

We haven't been up to much else lately. You've been going on 'little trips' with Dad just to get out of the house... Like when Dad went and got the photo news, or some more bread or things like that. You're enjoying your time with Dad heaps. You're also very proud of Mitchell already. When we were at the mall yesterday we were showing Mitchell to a friend of mine and you knew what we were talking about and patted Mitchell on the leg, as if to say "I'm his big brother you know". It will be good when Mitchell is a little older and you can play together!
here's a photo of you, me and Mitchell at Mitchells feed time.

Anyhow, I must scoot, I have things to do before you get back out of bed.
Lots of hugs to my big boy!!


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