"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, April 01, 2007

You're a MONKEY!

Hey Sweety,
It's been a wonderful few weeks watching you grow up so much. We've been busy too.

You had your first play-date at another persons place the other day. I dropped you off at Sharon's place around 11ish and picked you back after lunch around 3:00. Sharon has 3 children, the eldest Matthia, has just turned 3, her son Daniel turns 2 in May and the youngest, Michaela has just 6 months old. Sharon said that you and Daniel had a great time and shared well. You seemed to follow him around and copy him and learned to play with their toys. You didn't even come looking for me once!!! Sharon put the wiggles on for a little while and you showed them all how to 'do the monkey'! Meanwhile I was able to go to the doctors for bub2 with your dad for a check-up. I'm glad you had some fun with them. Sharon has offered to help look after you a little while when I go to hospital to have bub.

Last weekend you were not yourself. You came down feeling sick - you've got 4 teeth giving you a nightmare and you also ended up with a horrible bug/virus which turned you off your food, and you were quite sick. It lasted for a few days and then your dad and I both ended up with it too!! What a testing time for us all. Gran came and looked after you one evening while your dad and I got some well needed rest.

You've enjoyed watching the Wiggles lately and you start dancing around the room. The other day I was pointing to the monkey on your jumpsuit and said monkey and you started to move your arms and sing the monkey song!! It was so funny, you make me smile so much!!

You went to EI earlier this week where they are quite impressed with your progress - you're walking well and your co-ordination is good too. They just would like to hear your little voice a little more!! I'm sure we will in good time.

Today, Gran came over and helped me set up bubs room. While she was here I started talking about a car... so you went away and got your car and brought it over to show us! Vrooom vrooooom you said!! After setting up your bed with your doona and everything tonight, you climbed up onto it with you car and lay down with your head on the pillow. I could have tucked you in!! I'm afraid it won't be for a little while yet - you still seem to find every edge of the cot throughout the night and you'd just fall off the bed within minutes of me leaving the room!!!

Anyhow I know I haven't updated much lately - we're all so busy and I've been quite tired. So I'm sorry about that.....
Thank you for being such a good boy though! You'll notice I'm sitting on the lounge and you'll
come over and just sit next to me..... aww and if I'm sitting on the floor you'll come and wrap your arms around my neck and give me a smoochy hug! It's so lovely.

Hope this week brings lots of good stuff (choccie.... as it is Easter this weekend) and you have lots of fun.
Love you my boy
*hugs hugs hugs*


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