"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hey Mr Greggie,
It seems like such a long day already although it is only 2:00. Maybe it is because I had to wake YOU up this morning not the other way round!!
Today we went to playgroup and you had a blast! Aunty Lynda and Chelsea came too today.
I dressed you in a colourful striped T-shirt and some cute blue and orange shorts and you look so grown up! argh!
You spent the first little while outside playing with a little plastic tricycle... you didn't actually sit on it but you pushed round the outside play area for ages. After a while you got distracted and went inside momentarily (which you ended up doing all morning!!) Chelsea ended up sitting on the trike that you were pushing.... and you came back and pushed her on it. I wish I had my camera!! You were both laughing .... Chelsea figured out that her feet didnt get caught under the wheels if she stuck them out the front. You guys managed to go about 10 metres before falling over and both finding some crocodile tears! Up and at-em... :o)
You did so many fun things.... another of your favourite playgroup activities from today was the sandpit. You were quite happy sitting at the edge with a bucket of sand and tipping it from the bucket into a cup with a ladle/spoon. It was great until I noticed that you tasted it... eiw yuckie!!
It was all over you face and up your arms... but thats what being a little boy is all about huh... getting down and playing in the sand and dirt.
We had some morning tea - you didn't seem to be interested except in a drink - you just wanted to play with the lego while there were no other kids near it!
The other thing you had fun doing was playing with an older boy who together you were chasing balls around the yard. He'd throw it and you go and get it and throw it a little way and he'd throw it back across the yard and you'd chase it again. NO wonder you are so tired!! (I'm tired from just watching you!)
Yes you were a busy little beaver and you look so grown up - it hasn't taken very long and here you are walking around, pushing bikes, running after balls (trying to anyhow! haha how lovely), playing in the sandpit and starting to talk. One of the other parents noticed how excitable you are.... talking as you're walking, clapping your hands when something exciting happens, arms waving about as you try to run. awww!!!

When we left playgroup we went to Dads work and he wasnt there so we called him and went and picked him up. We went and had some lunch with him at McDonalds.... aww you look so grown up !!
Anyhow... I'm off to go and have a rest now that you are resting. (Told you I was tried just from watching you!!)
Lots of hugs,


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