"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, April 30, 2007

Weekend update

Hey Greggles,

It was a busy weekend. Allan (your 2nd cousin) from Perth came over and visited us for a couple of days on his way to visit his Dad up in Queensland. We had lunch with all the family all at Gran and Grandads - U.Grum & A.Lynda & Chelsea, Great Gran A, Dad, Mitchell, mum and you, Gran & Grandad and Al. It was yummy... y0u sat up in the highchair and had a great lunch and a great time.
When Aunty Lynda and Uncle Grum and Chelsea decided to go home, you went outside with Grandad.

This week Gran picked up and old kids pram which you thought was FANTASTIC. Grandad thought it would be funny to see you push Kibble around in it. She lasted for a few minutes before she jumped out and started to bark at you. You giggled, left the pram and went chasing her.
Shortly after that the dogs next door started to bark and Kibble went to the fence to check it out, so did you! Kibble started to play with a soccer ball.... so you picked up the basket ball! You had such a good time outside. :o)
Al came over for dinner on Saturday night and you enjoyed pretending to be shy as he walked in.... you're funny!

On Sunday we had a lovely day at home with your dad - he's back at work today :o( Sunday night we went for a drive to Nanna and Cookies and we ended up staying there for Chinese for dinner. YUMMY! You love fried rice.... We sat you up to the table in Nannas highchair and you even had a go of using a spoon with your food,.... it wasn't really successful but you had a go and thought you were such a big boy! It was funny watching you try to eat the prawn chips!! hahaha.

Well today is the first day home with just me and Mitchell since he was born. You're being good so far (you've only been up an hour!! hehee) and let me sleep-in (THANKS!!) and you were such a happy boy in your cot for such a long time too. We haven't many plans for today, although Chelsea is coming over for an hour or two after lunch. We do plan to go to Playgroup tomorrow. Also there is a BBQ at Naomi's tomorrow night that we'll see if we get to. The rest of the week looks like time at home. We may end up doing something with A.Lynda and Chelsea but it all depends on how I am and if I feel like driving.

Love ya lots!!


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