"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Being a BIG BOY!

Hey Mr Gregory,
I'm hoping that you haven't come down with another cold......
Anyhows we had a big day on Tuesday. We had playgroup in the morning and you, me and Mitchell all managed to get there fairly well on time. You were such a big boy! You walked out of the house to the car, and when we got to Playgroup you got out of the car (with a little help) and walked over to the pram. I didn't put you in the pram as you started to push the pram with Mitchell in it. We got to the gate and you finally realised where you were, I let you through the gate and you took off towards the door like nothing else!
We weren't there long and A.Megs turned up with Makayla. It was good to see them both, and I think you recognised A.Megs. You enjoyed playing in the 'pretend kitchen' that was set up for the day, you also actually ate some of the fruit for morning tea too... A first! You also joined in the craft activity (for a little while) and did some 'colouring'.... well scribbling over the page ;)
After lunch we went over to the bike shop to see Gran and Grandad. I got you out of the car and stood you next to me on the footpath while I got Mitchell out of the car and you headed to the door. You got to the stairs and stopped as you weren't sure what to do. You took my hand and managed to get up and walked into the shop all by yourself!! You looked so grown up! aww!!
Gran was so happy to see you, as was Grandad. We met up with Dad there and went to Maccas for lunch.

We got home from lunch and you went to bed, as did Mitchell and ME!! We all got up when A.Lynda and U.Grum & Chelsea turned up with their new car - Holden Commodore Station Wagon & its LOVELY! (where's ours?) U.Grum took you, me and Dad for a drive while A.Lynda stayed at our place with Mitchell and Chelsea.

After we got back home, we headed out to Naomi's for a Mexicanna night of Nachos, Burritos, and Tacos.... YUMMY!!!!! You had such fun chasing the cat around and were the life of the party as you wandered around like you owned the place. You were such a good boy while we were there. We headed home and all went to bed. It was a long day to say the least.
We're having a few days at home now (which is prolly good as you seem to have a small temp). It's good being able to spend some time with you playing, reading and dancing again. I missed you so much while I was in hospital with Mitchell!
Must scoot.... Things to do
Love you lots


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