"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Swimming and ICECREAM!!!

Dear Greggie,
Its been an eventful few week since my last bloggie to you. We've been back to Kidzoo (and you didn't get hurt this time!!).
Aunty Lyn, Sarah and her friend Jess were down from Sydney for a few days (Mark didnt come as he was at Jamboree and Uncle Steve was working). We were at Great Grans when they arrived. Jess thought you were gorgeous!! (well...its the truth!) Gran, Lyn, Sarah, Jess, you and your dad and I all had Chinese for dinner on Thursday night. After dinner Sarah was so bloated *after going back for 2nds, 3rds... 4ths.... lost count!! so decided to go for a walk. Sarah, Jess and Lyn took you with them while Dad, Gran and I stayed home. When they got back we had a game of Buzz and you were quite well behaved considering how tired you were! (Heres Sarah, Jess and you playing Buzz....)

We went with Lynda and Chelsea and a few other mums from Lyndas mums group. You had a great time playing in the ball pit. You crawled your way over to the 'jungle' area where you played among the hanging poles. I was worried you were going to be run over by the bigger kids but they watched out for you! A few even helped you out a little. I took you over to the mini rollercoaster where you giggled each time the car took off down the little track.! At lunchtime, Chelsea and you were sitting in highchairs next to each other and kept passing food. Whatever you had, Chelsea had to have some of!! After a while Daddy came and joined us for the rest lunch before he took you back on the roller coaster. You are such a show off!! When it reached the end you turned around and clapped your hands at Daddy!! It was so lovely to see you have such a good time.

This week you've also learnt how to 'share' an icecream/block with me/dad. Its been so good (but a pain as I can't have one in peace unless you are asleep or I stand out of your sight!) You'll just stand and stick out your tongue to lick, and you've even started taking little bites of the water iceblocks.

I decided it was time to spoil you *giggle*. We went shopping with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea on Friday afternoon..... well we really went to buy an icecream (it was sooooo hot it was a good reason/excuse!!) so I could share it with you! We ran into Great Gran and Poppa who shouted both Lynda and me one each. Chelsea and you both were lucky and had heaps of ours. I think you nearly ate a full scoop!! After that we headed back to Uncle Grum and Aunty Lyndas for a swim.....

It was great!!! It took me about 20 mins to slowly get you used to the water (you're just like your mum and despise jumping straight in!!). We sat on the edge, then on the step, then stood in the water. By then you were enjoying yourself and had accustomed yourself to the water temperature. After I took you on a lap of the pool you started reaching for Lynda - you must have a bit more confidence as you weren't clinging to me for dear life!! After a couple of minutes with Lynda, we swapped you with Chelsea and you got to have a go in her Zoggs pool seat. You didn't seem to mind it too much (as you can see from the photos) and after a while were kicking your feet and reaching for the water around you. It was such a relief to know that you are happy in the water. I was able to relax a little more and enjoyed it too!

We also went swimming again last night. We didn't take quite as long to get you in the water and you accustomed yourself fairly quickly. Daddy was there for the swim this time and by the time he was all wet and done a few crazy laps you joined him. We took your seat for you this time so both you and Chelsea were floating around the pool. At one stage Uncle Grum was happy swimming around with one of you on each arm!! Grum also got a ball which he threw into the water and you thought it was fantastic. I'm going to have to get some blow up balls to keep in the 'swimming' bag.

We went for a drive yesterday with Luke P. He sat in the seat next to you and you had a great time stealing his hat and sunglasses. As we waved him goodbye yesterday you got a little upset because you liked his car. I must remember to tell him that you'd like to have a sit in his seat! Just imagine my Greggie driving a 96 black Supra!!!

Anyhow... I'm off to have a rest while you're resting *after typing this long blog I hope you are still asleep!!* Lots of hugs - we'll probably go swimming again tonight or later in the week.
Lub u!


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