"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, November 20, 2006

Walking not far away!

Heya Greggles,
You've made ya mum cry again!! Happy tears of course!! Last night dad brought you out of your room.... well thats a lie really coz you brought yourself out! You had the block trolley that you got for your birthday and pushed it out into the lounge room all the way over to meeeeee! Usually you would topple it over ontop of yourself but this time you were only using it for slight stability. It was so amazing to see. *sigh*
You are growing up all so quickly. - click here to see Greggles and the trolley

Today we went and saw Gran A. You spotted her lion on the top shelf nearly before we walked in!!! You goose hehehe. I got him down for you and you - I think it reminded you of Kibble (Aunty Pammies doggie) and you wondered why it didnt chase you when you were on the floor. Hahaha.

Speaking of Aunty Pammie - she is coming for dinner tonight. Not sure what we'll have. You had your first taste of yoghurt last night and took to it quite well.... now that you'll let me spoon feed you in sort of a fashion.

I've also been busy planning our trip to Sydney. I'm going to a wedding and you get to stay with 'great' Uncle Steve and 'great' Aunty Lyn, Sarah and Mark for the afternoon/evening. They are so much looking forward tolooking after you! They came up to visit on the weekend and we watched a movie with Lyn and Steve and Lyn played Duplo with you and you both had a great time!!

Anyhow - lots of house work to do... it never stops!! *love ya*
here u are with Daddy.... His headphones, and mobile phones.... you think you are so cool!!


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