"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Theres not much to say!

Mr Greggie,
Its been over a week now since my last bloggie to you ..... ah-well! We haven't really been up to a lot lately. Last week wasn't very busy and we spent a fair bit of time at home. On Wednesday I worked and you stayed with Kristen and Hannah for the day - apparently you were a pretty good boy!! You? lol!

On Friday you spent some time with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea as I had a couple of appointments. I dropped you at Aunty Lyndas and then met you at the park in the morning. It was lovely to be outside... I even took you over for a play on the swing. After this I took you home for a nap before waking you to take you to Aunty Lyndas as I had another appointment!! Thankfully you were a good boy for her too. *hugs*! I got back there and it wasn't long before Uncle Grum and Dad arrived and they organised some dinner for us all.

You spent the weekend with Daddy, Uncle Andy, Uncle Grum and Chelsea watching the car races as I wasn't very well. Lucky that you love watching the cars and hanging with the boys and Chelsea!! Uncle Andy stayed for dinner and watched a movie with us.
Your Dad thought it would be funny to cover you in bubbles at bathtime!! The bubbles in the front were meant to be your beard.... Maybe a Santa-look-a-like? I'm not so sure!! You're missing the big belly!!!

Yesterday you were in such a good mood. We went out for a little while after lunch - you saw Great Gran & Great Grandpa, then Nanna, Cookie, Uncle Andy and Uncle Michael before heading over to see Grandma and Grandad then we went and saw Great Gran and Great Poppa - and Heath was there too.!! You are so lucky to have so many Grandparents and Great Grandparents still around.
Last night you enjoyed some of mums home-cooked dinner.

Today we went to the mall for a while - you were such a happy boy while we were out. We saw Judy and Heath while we were out and you recognised him from yesterday and giggled at him! It was so cute!! hehehe. We also went to Spotlight where Erica gave you a bright orange balloon and you thought you had been given the world. It even kept you occupied for 20mins after we got home!! Woohoo!! hehehe

You're eating a lot better at meal times and cut back heaps on you're bottles. I'm proud of you! Tonight it seems as Dad is working back late (late notice for us all!!) but thats all ok, we'll sort it out. Tomorrow you get to have your 1 year booster immunisation shots (oh yay oh joy oh bliss... NOT). I know you need to have them but I hate to see you all crappy and upset for a couple of days afterwards. We'll get through it :o)

Well, must go see if that noise was you or the kids across the road.
Lots of hugs n snuggles!!


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