"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sick n stuff

Hey Darling boy,
Its been a testing week for us all!! The last 2-3 days you've been sick :( You've got a viral infection and bacterial infection in your ears :( not much fun for everyone! You've been sleeping more than usual - although we all feel that way at the moment with the temperatures we've been having!!! I've got my fingers crossed that you're on the mend.
The cause for all your sickness? well we consider the 4 teeth coming through to be the culprits!!
You now have 3 teeth down the bottom and 4 up the top with 3 more all coming through together down the bottom.

What else to tell you........ On Saturday afternoon we travelled to Orange - you were awake and played and pretty good on the way there. We had KFC for dinner before going to Emmas 21st :o). Daddy looked after you most of the night - you wandered around, making eyes at evryone you met! You looked quite spunky in your little trousers and polo shirt ;o) Every now and then you'd come over and grab my legs as if to say 'I'm still here and I know you are too!' before you'd get down and crawl away. Lucky Daddy kept an eye on you or I think Emma or Naomi might have taken you home with them!! You played peek-a-boo with curtains and loved annoying Emmas young cousin!! Mr Cheeky boy! Everyone had a great time - I know you did as you were exhausted and slept from Molong all the way home.

Tonight you decided to use your trolley - but you wanted to use your bike too!! Silly goose couldn't decide what to use so you grabbed both!!!

We've nearly finished all our Chrissy shopping and December starts tomorrow. You were so good while we were out. We took Great Gran A to visit Great Grandpa.... we may not be able to see him again as he is not well and is at the nursing home now. You waved and made him smile. He even asked how you were! It was such a lovely sight and brought a tear to my eye.

We might put our Chrissy tree up on Sunday (depending on how tired we all are after Grandmas party! Nanna is going to look after you Saturday night!! YAY!)
Well .... must get you to bed before it gets too late - hopefully we can all get a good night sleep!! Lots to do tomorrow.!!
*hugs* n get better soon my darling.


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