Lots of hugs!

Its been a little while since I wrote to you last. We've both been busy with lots of things. Lately we've been concentrating on getting you to eat more 'solids' and replace all those milks :P which you so dearly love. It hasn't taken too long and you are already putting on more weight! Good boy :o) We've managed to cut out 1 bottle completely and 1/2way to getting another gone... might be a while longer for that one tho!
We've discovered that you like kiwifruit and LOVE Vegemite sandwiches.... oh... and you just reach out for choccie cookies when you see them!! lol! You've taken a real liking to sausages and you had your first taste of macaroni cheese.... you didn't eat much actual pasta but you licked all the sauce off!!
You've also let me feed you with a spoon........... praise the lord!! Its a breakthrough!! So we'll be seeing how long this lasts :o)

I've tried to chase you down the hall while you are crawling but you seem to stop in your tracks and giggle until I catch you!! You will of course chase me if I crawl off tho!! cheeky chops!
We went and visited Aunty Megs, Uncle Mick and cousin Makayla on the weekend.

On the way home we saw Nanna and Cookie and Nanna got the duplo out for you .... which you put everywhere :o) hehehe.

Anyhow... must go and see whats doing for lunchies... Daddy be home soon (hopefully!)
Love ya lots xoxo
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