"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, November 06, 2006

Lots of hugs!

Hey Mr Greggie,
Its been a little while since I wrote to you last. We've both been busy with lots of things. Lately we've been concentrating on getting you to eat more 'solids' and replace all those milks :P which you so dearly love. It hasn't taken too long and you are already putting on more weight! Good boy :o) We've managed to cut out 1 bottle completely and 1/2way to getting another gone... might be a while longer for that one tho!
We've discovered that you like kiwifruit and LOVE Vegemite sandwiches.... oh... and you just reach out for choccie cookies when you see them!! lol! You've taken a real liking to sausages and you had your first taste of macaroni cheese.... you didn't eat much actual pasta but you licked all the sauce off!!
You've also let me feed you with a spoon........... praise the lord!! Its a breakthrough!! So we'll be seeing how long this lasts :o)

You've started crawling EVERYWHERE!! so we bought a little fence to baracade you into the loungeroom which we have now nearly completely baby-proofed (for now anyhow!). You've discovered the hallway and that it leads to dads office/room where he plays the computer ..... the steering wheel!! You'll often crawl in to see him just to play the steering wheel.... always with a grin on your face when you see daddy! It made things interesting when Dad was home for the week sick and you couldn't stay away from him.... you became a Daddys boy alright. Thats ok - you're back to wanting mum again now!! hahaha

In the last 2 or 3 days you crawl to the end of the hallway and start to play peek-a-boo around the corner in the hall. We both love seeing the giggles and screams of delight as we peek-a-boo back to you!
I've tried to chase you down the hall while you are crawling but you seem to stop in your tracks and giggle until I catch you!! You will of course chase me if I crawl off tho!! cheeky chops!

We went and visited Aunty Megs, Uncle Mick and cousin Makayla on the weekend. You just loved her jolly jumper!! Especially when A.Megs let you swing heaps!! You giggled and giggled. Here's a pic of you and Makayla together playing :o)

On the way home we saw Nanna and Cookie and Nanna got the duplo out for you .... which you put everywhere :o) hehehe.

You've also learnt how to splash in the bathtub... BIGTIME!! Watch out to anyone standing remotely near the bathroom at Gregory's bathtime..... Daddy was standing in the doorway a few nights ago and you managed to get him wet.....

Anyhow... must go and see whats doing for lunchies... Daddy be home soon (hopefully!)
Love ya lots xoxo


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