"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve!

Dear Greggie,
A quick note to say Merry 2nd Christmas to you!! It will be the first Christmas that you have cousins to share it with! Quite exciting really!Both today and yesterday you've been having fun. Dad has been with you in the mornings (letting me get some extra rest!) and took you shopping for my pressie. How lovely!!!

Yesterday afternoon we went around to see Cookie and Nanna and you really enjoyed dragging a bag of potatoes around!! You didn't seem very interested in the box Duplo although you did enjoy going and seeing the doggies.
Last night Uncle Jon and Aunty Val came around for a quick visit. You stole Uncle Jons hat and thought it was yours... heres a photo of you with it.......... It kept both you and U.Jon entertained for AGES!!!

Today we went to Grandma and Grandads for a while. At one stage Grandma had both you and Chelsea! (How greedy! hehe) and then Grandad took you to investigate all the presents, see Kibble then let you look at the tree. Chelsea had her eye on you the whole time! You were so gentle with the decorations... then Chelsea had a go - she grabbed them and yanked them!! LoL it was a sight to see. This evening you've been playing with your reindeer antlers that you were given from Dads work last year. You look so cute listening to the music and waving your hands. We also gave Dad his present early.... oops!! He got V8Supercars 3 complete with cool controller - he decided to set up his steering wheel instead - he also set up the other steering wheel just for you!! How lucky! As you can see you are both having a great time!!

Well I must head to bed... hopefully will be asleep before Christmas Day...
Wonder what Santa has for you! ;o)
Lots of hugs & Christmas wishes!!!


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