"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, December 17, 2006

SO much to tell you.

Hey My boy!
Its been a little while since I last wrote, things have been quite hectic around here lately.
Its been a big week - your Great Grandpa passed away last week so we've been busy with all your relatives (Grandmas brothers and sisters - your Great Aunts, Uncles and cousins) here.
We've spent a lot of time at Great Gran A's house helping to sort out the place after Grandpa's passing - you've been such a good boy for everyone too!! Most afternoons and evenings we haven't been home for dinner, thank you for being such a happy boy most of the time!!
The funeral service was held on Thursday and your Aunty Megan looked after you for a while. Apparently she spent most of the time saying "Thank you, I'll have that!"... over and over as she isn't used to prying little fingers wandering at your height around the place!!! Dad came and picked you up and brought you to the RSL where everyone was for the light luncheon. You were so well behaved!
On Friday morning I left you with all the relos while I went to the physio - I arrived back at Grans to find you having a drink with 'great' aunty Rel!! :o) It was a lovely sight.

This week you have discovered how to CLIMB!! On Tuesday morning Dad was looking after you for a while (as he was off work for the day) you kept climbing onto the coffee table infront of the T.V!! My goodness I didn't believe it until you climbed up onto the lounge to join your dad and I eating some potato chips the other night. Goodness me!! You were climbing back up onto the lounge whenever you had a chance - stood up and grabbed the tissue box .... We had to move everything that we thought was out-of-Greggie-reach as you can now get to it all!! argh!!

You also went in Uncle Graham and Aunty Lyndas pool for the first time... you didn't seem to like it very much - Chelsea thought it was great fun and grinned the whole time. You seem to be a lot like me.... like to sit and dangle your feet in!! You sat quite comfortably next to Aunty Lynda for quite some time before you popped in for a splash... you landed on the step but were not too impressed!!

This week looks like its set out to be a big week too with Christmas Partys (for Playgroup and my work) and last minute shopping and cleaning up the house for Christmas. I plan to see how you like full cream dairy milk this week sometime.... I wonder how you'll take to that!! I have my doubts.....
Anyhow... must get to bed so that we can be all ready for the big week ahead.
Love you lots, xoxox

(i'll add some more photos when it decides to work!!)


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