1 week till you are 1! Busy busy!

Hey darling,
It has been a busy week and you've been up to a lot of interesting stuff!! (yup its been a week since we got back from bathurst already! argh!) You've only a week to go until your first birthday :o).
Last week we spent a lot of the week in recovery (both you and I!) You came down with a fever on Tuesday morning and it stayed with you until late Thursday. You seemed to sleep a fair bit which helped me out as I wasn't really well either. We didn't go to the pool with Playgroup as neither of us were up to it. By Tuesday night you spent a little time with Grandma and Grandad and they even took you outside in just your nappy to try and bring your temp down a little. I think it helped a bit :o)
Wednesday we spent most of the day resting at home together. You slept through most of it - when you weren't having a bottle or hugging mummy you were asleep!. You also woke during the night a little too which you haven't done in ages!

You didn't seem to like it much - although some of the photos show a different story! ah well....
At least now you've been to the pool - we'll try and go again soon - although its a cool snap again!! Can't pick the weather at the moment.

On the weekend we went to visit your Great Poppa and Gran. Uncle Grum and Chelsea were there for lunch and we ended up staying too!! At the end of lunch, Great Gran let their doggie (a beagleX) Trixie in .... you thought it was wonderful as she sat up and watched as she waited for some food. You kept looking over the highchair to her.... even when she wandered in and out of the room!

Sunday afternoon we went to the park with Dad to help/watch him fly the kite. You weren't too upset by it this time *phew*.
Today you spent some time with Grandma as I had some appointments to go to. I got to the shop to pick you up and you were all smiles. Its good knowing that you'll be happy even when I'm not around - although I do miss you!! Yeh :o)
Tonight you had some fun playing with Daddy and the duckies - I'll post some of the piccies up a little later.
You've gone to bed so I probably should too - we've lots to do this week -(your big first birthday party!!!) and Daddy might end up away (lets hope not!).
Lots of hugs my special little boy!
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