Birthdays and a Picnic

This week you have helped me celebrate my birthday.
Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandads for a birthday dinner with Aunty Lynda & I as the birthday girls :o) (Aunty Val was there in spirit!). While we had desert you loved playing with the duplo - you were happy playing on the floor for almost 45 mins!
You woke up after daddy had his shower and he brought you in to help me open my presents. Thank you for the fondue set! We had a wonderful day as we went shopping with Grandma and then morning tea before having lunch with dad then visiting Grandad. We both came home for a well deserved rest n nap.
That nite we went to Aunty Megs for a yummy birthday dinner :o) and that was only MONDAY!!

You had an interesting day on Wednesday as your Great Gran and Great Poppa looked after you while I went to work. You were a little grumpy just after I left but it didn't take you long to have a nap. You were quite good for them but when I came home you didn't want to let me out of your sight at all!!
On Thursday we went to visit Great Grandpa in hospital and Uncle Grum and Chelsea joined us for dinner. Chelsea has started babbling a lot and has started drowing even you out!!
Friday was a day at home ( I think!! - if I remember what we really did I'll update!! hehe)

Saturday night we went to Nanna and Cookie's place for dinner. YUMMY!! You enjoyed playing with the duplo there too! What a surprise ;o)
You loved playing with their cat and you sat on Uncle Andy's lap while we had dinner. He also

Considering you've had a cold since early Friday morning, you've been a great boy :o)
Not sure what the new week will bring - hopefully your cold will go away and we'll hear of when Aunty Val & Uncle Jon will come visit! Maybe we should go on another picnic with them?!!
I gotta go - you'll be up soon!
Hugs n stuff :o) Mummy
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