A week in a flash

Its been a little while. Ooops! I've been quite busy lately - and so have you!
Last weekend we went for lunch in the park with daddy. You got to feed the ducks some left-over bread. We also went to the play equipment where you had your first go on a swing. You thought it was fantastic and giggled as you reached for daddy. We also went down a slippery-dip and didn't mind it either. There were so many families and children around and you loved watching one little boy play with his soccer ball with his dad. I can imagine you in a little while doing that!
(eating lunch at McDonalds with Mum & Dad on Tuesday)
We also went to the park and "attempted" to fly Cookie-pa's kite. Cookie & Nanna walked to doggies to the park and met up with us. You enjoyed being out in the sun.
Monday morning I got a call to work, lucky we both had already had lunch and I took you around to Aunty Lyndas for the day. Tuesday we went to Mums group where you played on one of the game tables. We had lunch with Daddy at McDonalds before we went and saw Grandma & Grandad and you sat on some motorbikes. It always seems to make you smile!
Wednesday we spent lunch ith Great Grandma & Grandpa Aikins and Lynda & Chelsea then went out shopping for a while before coming home for a sleep (both of us!) You got to spend Thursday at Aunty Lyndas as I worked again. It seemed like such a long day without

(All smiles in a walker at Playgroup)
Friday you had a play/scream mate for the day. Chelsea was here while A.Lynda worked. You both seem to be teething and unlike most days where you tag-team, today was different! You both were hungry at the same time, dirty nappies and tired at the same time. This ended up being a good benefit as we all to have a rest at 3:00 *phew*. Great Aunty Lyn and Sarah and Mark came around to visit shortly after that you showed off how you can stand up holding the lounge, pull yourself up, roll around on the floor to get to places and CRAWL BACKWARDS.
Between you and Chelsea you could probably crawl properly! LOL.
Saturday afternoon we had Great Gr

(You must have been dreaming while you were sleeping!)
We didn't get up to much today - you've spent some quality time with you dad today - giving your poor mum a bit of a break. You've also started eating from a spoon properly! *yay*
We've got a bit of a busy week planned. We'll have Chelsea over on Tuesday and Friday and probably Thursday afternoon.
Well I best go and make sure your bottles are all ready :o)
Love you lots darling!!
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