Now you see her...

Dear Gregory,
Well things have been busy lately. You've still got a little bit of a cold - over the worst of it now. We've spent the week resting and hoping you'd get better. We missed going to Playgroup this week as you weren't well enough (you missed Sophies birthday). Wednesday afternoon we went to Aunty Lyndas and spent some time with Chelsea. We also went for a walk (you and Chelsea in your prams) to Baby Barn as they are closing down. We got a jolly jumper for Chelsea! I think she'll have lotsa fun in that!
Just as we were going to leave, I sat you in one of their chairs and went to the kitchen to get your

Thursday we met up with Chelsea and Aunty Lynda for her playgroup but not many people turned up so we didn't stay for long. That night we went to Grandma and Grandads while your daddy played computer fix-its. We ended up eating dinner there - and you played with Duplo for ages! You're always so happy playing with the blocks.
Friday we just stayed home most of the day.

Today Daddy got you out of bed and fed and looked after you while I got a sleep-in. Apparently you were very good for Daddy and even had ALL of your bottle from him! Oooo you are getting better. You even got to be 'one of the boys' as you stayed with them while they watched the V8 supercars on TV and I went shopping with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea.
Here's a photo of you in your sleeping bag from the other morning. You're happy most of the time just to play with your toys on the floor. *hugs*
Best go, you'll be up soon & it's nearly dinner time!
Love you lots n lots n lots!
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