Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bubble boy

Hey Gregory,
You kept me busy yesterday, but we had some fun! Last night you had some different baby food besides the sweet yummy custard - you didn't like it much at all!! Ah well... we'll keep trying.
You've just gone back to bed this morning but you're not asleep yet - I'll check on you in a minute or two. I wanted to post these pics of you enjoying your bath last night!

Chelsea will be here later today while Aunty Lynda works. We haven't much else planned for the day.

Love ya lots! Keep smiling my darling :o)
*hugs n stuff*

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A week in a flash

Dear Gregory,
Its been a little while. Ooops! I've been quite busy lately - and so have you!
Last weekend we went for lunch in the park with daddy. You got to feed the ducks some left-over bread. We also went to the play equipment where you had your first go on a swing. You thought it was fantastic and giggled as you reached for daddy. We also went down a slippery-dip and didn't mind it either. There were so many families and children around and you loved watching one little boy play with his soccer ball with his dad. I can imagine you in a little while doing that!

(eating lunch at McDonalds with Mum & Dad on Tuesday)

We also went to the park and "attempted" to fly Cookie-pa's kite. Cookie & Nanna walked to doggies to the park and met up with us. You enjoyed being out in the sun.

Monday morning I got a call to work, lucky we both had already had lunch and I took you around to Aunty Lyndas for the day. Tuesday we went to Mums group where you played on one of the game tables. We had lunch with Daddy at McDonalds before we went and saw Grandma & Grandad and you sat on some motorbikes. It always seems to make you smile!

Wednesday we spent lunch ith Great Grandma & Grandpa Aikins and Lynda & Chelsea then went out shopping for a while before coming home for a sleep (both of us!) You got to spend Thursday at Aunty Lyndas as I worked again. It seemed like such a long day without you! Apparently you enjoed playing with the curtains, and A.Lynda put you in Chelseas Jolly Jumper and you would swing yourself backwards and let your feet go so you could swing back and forth.

(All smiles in a walker at Playgroup)

Friday you had a play/scream mate for the day. Chelsea was here while A.Lynda worked. You both seem to be teething and unlike most days where you tag-team, today was different! You both were hungry at the same time, dirty nappies and tired at the same time. This ended up being a good benefit as we all to have a rest at 3:00 *phew*. Great Aunty Lyn and Sarah and Mark came around to visit shortly after that you showed off how you can stand up holding the lounge, pull yourself up, roll around on the floor to get to places and CRAWL BACKWARDS.
Between you and Chelsea you could probably crawl properly! LOL.
Saturday afternoon we had Great Gran & Grandpa Aikins over for a celebration afternoon tea - 62nd Wedding Anniversary - you slept through while everyone was here. Lyn, Mark, Sarah, Chelsea, Grum, Lynda, your dad and I were all here.

(You must have been dreaming while you were sleeping!)

We didn't get up to much today - you've spent some quality time with you dad today - giving your poor mum a bit of a break. You've also started eating from a spoon properly! *yay*
We've got a bit of a busy week planned. We'll have Chelsea over on Tuesday and Friday and probably Thursday afternoon.

Well I best go and make sure your bottles are all ready :o)
Love you lots darling!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Eating, Standing and baths in the BIG BATH!!

Hey my darling,
Its been a big week! You got to see your Aunty Val and Uncle Jon on Sunday - they were here for dinner as were Chelsea, Uncle Grum, Aunty Lynda, Aunty Pammie, Beaux, Grandad, Paul T, mummy and daddy! We had a great time. Chelsea had her jolly jumper here too.... so you had a go at the same time. You thought it was so good that you started a high pitched squeal! Chelsea didn't like that very much and was NOT impressed... so much for that! You were such a good boy even with a house full of people.
On Monday you were also really good as you stayed with Kristen & Hannah for the day while I went to work. You were so happy watching Hannah that you barely noticed me leaving! I missed you so much while I was at work that I committed myself to a Greggie day this week. Time for just you and me to play and have some fun. We did that today. We hung some washing on the line (you sat in the clothes basket and threw pegs everywhere!) We also went for a walk with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea to Uncle Grums old work. It was a great day to be outside. When we got home we got the clothes off the line and you finally had a sleep. You woke up to find Grandma here for dinner. :o) You gave her the most warmest smile!
You've finally started letting me feed you with a spoon! Thankies!! After having some dinner (and not having some as it went on the FLOOR....) I gave you some more apple custard which you play a little with then let me put the spoon in your mouth. You promptly push it out with your tongue then back in with your fingers!! At least you eat most of it!! I'm so proud of you.
You also had your first successful 'big bath'. Even after a little under-water gurgle, you were happy to splash and play! You seem to really like bathtime now, and the big bath didn't seem to worry you tooo much either.
After your bath Grandma fed you!! I think she was chuffed that you let her although were a little fussy and just wanted to play! You played with your soccerball with me on the floor and 'read' som books. You also stood up holding only the lounge. You've finally got enough strength in your legs to hold up your own weight, and you know that you are clever too..... the cheeky grin and glint in your eyes gives it all away!
Well hopefully its not raining in the morning and we can go for a walk in the park. I'm also hoping that Aunty Lynda can mind you for a little while in the afternoon so I can have some 'me' time!!
Lots of hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs!!

(oh and here you are at lunch earlier in the week with CHEESE everywhere!! at least you were having fun!! hehehe)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Now you see her...

Dear Gregory,
Well things have been busy lately. You've still got a little bit of a cold - over the worst of it now. We've spent the week resting and hoping you'd get better. We missed going to Playgroup this week as you weren't well enough (you missed Sophies birthday). Wednesday afternoon we went to Aunty Lyndas and spent some time with Chelsea. We also went for a walk (you and Chelsea in your prams) to Baby Barn as they are closing down. We got a jolly jumper for Chelsea! I think she'll have lotsa fun in that!
Just as we were going to leave, I sat you in one of their chairs and went to the kitchen to get your bottle and stuff and came back and Chelsea was sitting right next to you! You were both so happy enjoying it. At one stage you had your fingers in Chelsea's mouth and she also grabbed your hand tightly! You still like to pull her hair and theres another photo of you with yout fingers in her ear! It was funny to see your reaction when we moved Chelsea tho!

Thursday we met up with Chelsea and Aunty Lynda for her playgroup but not many people turned up so we didn't stay for long. That night we went to Grandma and Grandads while your daddy played computer fix-its. We ended up eating dinner there - and you played with Duplo for ages! You're always so happy playing with the blocks.
Friday we just stayed home most of the day. Paul T, Uncle Grum, Aunty Lynda and Chelsea came over for dinner. It was fun having you and Chelsea both sitting up to the table for dinner.

Today Daddy got you out of bed and fed and looked after you while I got a sleep-in. Apparently you were very good for Daddy and even had ALL of your bottle from him! Oooo you are getting better. You even got to be 'one of the boys' as you stayed with them while they watched the V8 supercars on TV and I went shopping with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea.

Here's a photo of you in your sleeping bag from the other morning. You're happy most of the time just to play with your toys on the floor. *hugs*

Best go, you'll be up soon & it's nearly dinner time!
Love you lots n lots n lots!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Birthdays and a Picnic

Well I've been a bit slack with the bloggie but thats because I've been so busy with other stuff.
This week you have helped me celebrate my birthday.
Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandads for a birthday dinner with Aunty Lynda & I as the birthday girls :o) (Aunty Val was there in spirit!). While we had desert you loved playing with the duplo - you were happy playing on the floor for almost 45 mins!
You woke up after daddy had his shower and he brought you in to help me open my presents. Thank you for the fondue set! We had a wonderful day as we went shopping with Grandma and then morning tea before having lunch with dad then visiting Grandad. We both came home for a well deserved rest n nap.
That nite we went to Aunty Megs for a yummy birthday dinner :o) and that was only MONDAY!!
Tuesday was playgroup and you had your first real go of a walker. You managed to go backward and backward and backward!

You had an interesting day on Wednesday as your Great Gran and Great Poppa looked after you while I went to work. You were a little grumpy just after I left but it didn't take you long to have a nap. You were quite good for them but when I came home you didn't want to let me out of your sight at all!!

On Thursday we went to visit Great Grandpa in hospital and Uncle Grum and Chelsea joined us for dinner. Chelsea has started babbling a lot and has started drowing even you out!!
Friday was a day at home ( I think!! - if I remember what we really did I'll update!! hehe)

For lunch on Saturday we went to the park with Aunty Lynda, Uncle Grum and Chelsea for a picnic lunch. We went to the Park where some photos were taken for your mum n dads wedding!! After yummy chips and bread and stuff we went for a walk and took some photos. You liked sitting on your dads shoulders and looking at the ducks.

Saturday night we went to Nanna and Cookie's place for dinner. YUMMY!! You enjoyed playing with the duplo there too! What a surprise ;o)
You loved playing with their cat and you sat on Uncle Andy's lap while we had dinner. He also put you on his shoulders where you thought it would be great fun to pull all his hair out!! ah well.

Considering you've had a cold since early Friday morning, you've been a great boy :o)

Not sure what the new week will bring - hopefully your cold will go away and we'll hear of when Aunty Val & Uncle Jon will come visit! Maybe we should go on another picnic with them?!!

I gotta go - you'll be up soon!
Hugs n stuff :o) Mummy