I think you liked it tho - there wasn't much left!
So much has happened since I last wrote/typed to you.
You now have another baby cousin. Makayla Rose Seton. Congratulations to Aunty Megs and Uncle Michael! We went up to the hospital tonight. We've been up a couple of times but you finally got to meet her - she is so tiny! She was born on Sunday morning.
Your dad has been away for a long time... we talk to him online through the camera most nights. You've also started solids (again!).... if you had your way it wouldn't be so! Its a such a battle .... but I don't understand why you seem to get so excited about seeing the bowl and spoon, but when its near your face you scream and cry! Cheeky boy!
You've also decided that you are a barrel... I say that in the nicest most loving way - this is true as you seem to roll, roll, roll when you are on the floor without your brace! But let me tell you... the brace doesn't do much to stop you lately either!
You've now been sleeping nearly through the night again (thankfully!) and only sometimes waking for a little while. I do wish you would go to bed earlier tho... midnite is a bit late for me!! although I can't complain too much as you do let me sleep till 9:30/10:00... We're in the process of changing that,.... about 2 hours earlier would be FANTASTIC! (But I'm just happy for the sleep through at the moment!) I think it will be easier to change the routine little by little and when your daddy is home to help :o)
Speaking of sleep - I must get to bed and sleep while I can! I'm so tired! Love you lots n lots.
Hugs, hugs n more hugs!
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