"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sydney trip

Hey Mr Greggie,

We've been up to a few busy weeks (and I've been a slacker! oooops!) You've been busy with lots of different things. Lately you have been a little 'hugger' - loving to give hugs to everyone! Awww!!
I bought you your first dressing gown this week <-- see! with your teddy! and your first pair of slippers too - you're not too sure about the slippers yet but I'm sure it won't take too long to get used to.

We went to Grandads birthday party - you helped make the cake.... and loved to lick the beater! hhahaa,... what a mess! Chelsea got the spatula.
Not only did you love to make it, but you also loved to eat it - even more messy!!! Concen
tration on mushing it together,.,. eiw! and that lego car was VERY choccie afterwards!! hehehe

When we went to the Baby Health Clinic for Mitchell's immunisation shots you were very well behaved. He started to scream and you came over and gave him a hug. It was so nice to see you caring.

We went to Sydney on the weekend - we left after dinner on the wet, windy cold Friday night. You were such a good boy while we were travelling there. We stopped at Julies on the way for a bottle and nappy break and you loved playing with the cats and the building blocks. We jumped back in the car and about 2 mins before we arrived in Sydney you drifted off to sleep.... typical!

We've also been to playgroup and you're enjoying playing with all the different toys each week. Last week one of the mums helped you with the craft activity and you made a crown. You've been proudly carrying and wearing it around the house this week.

(got lots more to add but i'll do so tomorrow)
Love ya!


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