"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Late Update

Hey Buddy Boy!!
This week was quite exciting. You have a new baby cousin. Your first BOY cousin!!! Jared Victor is Chelsea's little brother and was born last Monday. He was a lucky boy and went home on Uncle Grum's bday, awww!!!!
You've also been battling with 4 horrible 'i' teeth on their way through. OUCHIES! 2 of them came through overnight.

Last weekend we went to the Show. You had a blast looking at the horses and ponies. Unfortunately the animals were already sleeping. We bought you a Dorothy the Dinosaur but the balloon that we got for you was a real hit!! Aww!! As we were heading through all of the rides, you saw the cha-cha and went crazzzzzzzzzzy! We got you out of the pram and you loved looking at all of the lights with Daddy. You also loved the dodgem cars (like that is a surprise eh?) It was a really good family night out.

So... EARLY Monday morning you're cousin was born. We went up to visit A.Lynda and Jared later in the afternoon. We didn't get up to much else.
Tuesday we went to Playgroup before we headed downtown to pick Daddy up.
On Wednesday you and Mitchell both had doctors appointments. We got Mitchells blood test and hip test results :o) All good news! YAY. On the way home we went via the hospital and saw A.Lynda & Jared.
On Thursday (U.G's bday), daddy was home sick, and after going to the doctors was watching some t.v. when U.Grum came and dropped Chelsea over for a little while - he went & picked A.Lynda and Jared up and came back. They didn't stay long but you waved to them! While Mitchell and Daddy were having a sleep, you and I went out shopping & bought some new toys, and clothes and did some basic grocery shopping. It was good to have mum and Greg time. On the way home we stopped by and saw Great Gran & Poppa.
Friday morning you spent some time with Gran as I went to the doctors. You didn't like it much when I left without you,.... but you didn't like it much when I left with you too! argh!! That night we went to A.Lynda, U.Grum, Chelsea and Jared's for tea. You just ate and ate the coleslaw!! It was good to see you finally eating some food again.

You've spent a fair bit of time with dad over the weekend :o) We watched the car races y'day but today you 'helped' with the car - vacuuming, changing wiper blades, cleaning windows etc.... I know you spent ages out there!

This week you get immunised (oh yay :oS), not sure what else we'll do! Maybe go to the park if it's not raininininining!! (Hope it is tho!)
Love ya, sleep well


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