"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Playgroup and things to come.

Dear My Greggles,
Its been a busy 2 weeks since you started walking (clever little munchkin). Since you started you haven't slowed down. You've started preferring to get up and walk than crawl most of the time. You've taken to standing up nearly anywhere and walking to me or to someone else. Yesterday you walked the length of the lounge-room with a football in your hand (where you pushed the trolley on the video). It was so good! You got to the other side and gave me the ball, turned around and clapped. This is something you like doing lots of.... when you get where you want to go you turn around, sit down and clap and giggle!! hehhee

We've started going to a new playgroup on Tuesdays (its on at a different time, a bit easier to get there). Its so much fun. We take some fruit as does everyone and after playing (Theres lots of activities - play-dough, trucks, blocks, today there were puppets and books, craft activities, and outside there are little bikes, balls, hula-hoops and a sandpit) for about 45 mins we all have morning tea together - fruit and water. You're doing so much better drinking from a cup and don't make too much mess (lucky its only water!!!!)

A few things to note:
This weekend is Chelseas First Birthday Party and then
we're heading to Sydney - you have your hip check up Monday next week
Bub is only 8 weeks away.

Love ya lots... It's time for a rest.
Mummy xox
(I'll try to add to this again soon...)


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