"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A few video links

Dear Greggles,
We've been up to a few little things since I last 'blogged' to you.
We dropped by Aunty Megs and Makaylas on Tuesday (they were home for long enough for us to stick around for a while!) You really enjoed chasing Ruby and also while Makayla was in her walker you walked around her looking at all the toys.

Wednesday afternoon we headed to the Mall for a little retail therapy for mwa. (We also had a choccie icecream... yummo!) and saw a few people who I work with.

Thursday you had an appointment at Early Intervention - an assessment to see how you're going in comparison to the 'normal'. They were both quite impressed with your hand-eye co-ordination and also at how quickly you were able to copy things. You also did your first drawing (which I'll scan and add here). They gave me some new things to try with you including a toothbrush and some other encouragement activities for walking.
When we finished there we went and picked Dad up and went out for lunch. You saw Dad in the front window of the car and started pointing and saying DADDA! Daddad! You seem so excited to see him.

We spent Friday at home - which was good as I needed a rest!! When dad got home he wasn't feeling well so he headed to bed early. We had some fun playing with the Duplo, and your ball.

Saturday morning Chelsea was here - you heard her and decided to get out of bed early :o) Dad was still not feeling very well but he got up anyhow (you noisy bubs you!!) and between us we looked after you and Chelsea. By 11:30 you and Chelsea we both still asleep so Dad and I both snoozed on the lounge too. It was naptime at the Cook house!! haha
Saturday evening we went to Gran and Grandads for tea for Aunty Pammies birthday farewell. You made such a mess with the rockmelon that you needed a bath! Grandad gave me a hand with your bath and you had so much fun. I took Dad home shortly after tea and I came back for desert and you!!hehehe. We sang Happy Birthday to Pammie - I thought you were going to cry at the start but you held out :o). You enjoyed eating some of the carrot cake and playing with my ice-water - drinking only what didn't end up all over the floor!! (Two baths in one night eh?)

Today Dad was feeling a little better and got up to you this morning. He enjoys his time with you! By the time I got up you were back in bed and asleep looking very peaceful.
This afternoon Dad and I sat either side of you on the floor and you walked from one of us to the other - reaching for something to hold onto. Later we realised that if you were reaching for a ball you would take it and keep taking a few more steps!! Well done! At one stage you stood holding the ball for about 15 seconds before throwing the ball at me and walking to me.
Another thing you enjoed was playing with the shape-toy that Cookie and Nan bought you for Chrissy. You've figured out that the triangle goes in the triangle hole.... although you got frustrated when it wouldn't go in while you weren't looking at what you were doing - you were looking at the t.v! didums!! <-- here's a link to watch you put the block where it goes. At the end you seem so pleased and clap hands!!!

I also added this video to the net of you with the hat that Aunty Val & Uncle Jon got you for Christmas. You've now figured out what to do with it - you always try to put it on Dad or my head!

Anyhow - I have to go and organise some dinner - I'll scan your drawing and add it to the blog soon.
Love you! I'm proud of you!!!


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