"> Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, January 29, 2007

Growing Up!!

Dear Greggles,
Hey my boy, its been a pretty good day. It was good to spend some time with you today - except you manage to turn my computer off a few times! GRRR!
Today Dad went to Coona for the day so we had lunch just the two of us. After lunch we went out to see Gran and Grandad and to see Megan and Makayla - although we didn't get to stay as Megs was heading to work.
We also dropped by and saw Great Gran A. It was lovely to see her and you liked changing all the channels on the TV over and over!! You also saw her swivel desk chair.... you looked at Gran to check that it was ok to play with it before you did. You thought it was great fun when you started to play with it.

On the weekend you spent some time with Daddy on Saturday morning as I had a bit more rest and saw a doctor - it turns out I have a middle ear infection - no wonder I had an earache!! So I'm now getting better. Saturday night we had dinner with Aunty Lynda and Chelsea (Uncle Grum was away in Canberra) before you stayed for a few hours while your father and I went to a farewell for some friends of ours who are heading to Wagga for Uni and a new job.
We came back to pick you up and Lynda said that you had been standing up in the middle of the floor all by yourself and balancing for about 5-10 secs before sitting back down again.

Today while we were at the shop Gran had you and reached out to me. I let you take my hand before and encouraged you to walk to me... 1/2 way over to me I let you go.... and you took 3 or 4 steps on your own!! YAYAYAY!!!!!! It won't be too long before you are running about.
(Heres a photo from when we went out to dinner with Paul Tres early in January.)

Anyhow - must go keep a closer eye on you before you head to bed. Love ya


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