Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve!

Dear Greggie,
A quick note to say Merry 2nd Christmas to you!! It will be the first Christmas that you have cousins to share it with! Quite exciting really!Both today and yesterday you've been having fun. Dad has been with you in the mornings (letting me get some extra rest!) and took you shopping for my pressie. How lovely!!!

Yesterday afternoon we went around to see Cookie and Nanna and you really enjoyed dragging a bag of potatoes around!! You didn't seem very interested in the box Duplo although you did enjoy going and seeing the doggies.
Last night Uncle Jon and Aunty Val came around for a quick visit. You stole Uncle Jons hat and thought it was yours... heres a photo of you with it.......... It kept both you and U.Jon entertained for AGES!!!

Today we went to Grandma and Grandads for a while. At one stage Grandma had both you and Chelsea! (How greedy! hehe) and then Grandad took you to investigate all the presents, see Kibble then let you look at the tree. Chelsea had her eye on you the whole time! You were so gentle with the decorations... then Chelsea had a go - she grabbed them and yanked them!! LoL it was a sight to see. This evening you've been playing with your reindeer antlers that you were given from Dads work last year. You look so cute listening to the music and waving your hands. We also gave Dad his present early.... oops!! He got V8Supercars 3 complete with cool controller - he decided to set up his steering wheel instead - he also set up the other steering wheel just for you!! How lucky! As you can see you are both having a great time!!

Well I must head to bed... hopefully will be asleep before Christmas Day...
Wonder what Santa has for you! ;o)
Lots of hugs & Christmas wishes!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

SO much to tell you.

Hey My boy!
Its been a little while since I last wrote, things have been quite hectic around here lately.
Its been a big week - your Great Grandpa passed away last week so we've been busy with all your relatives (Grandmas brothers and sisters - your Great Aunts, Uncles and cousins) here.
We've spent a lot of time at Great Gran A's house helping to sort out the place after Grandpa's passing - you've been such a good boy for everyone too!! Most afternoons and evenings we haven't been home for dinner, thank you for being such a happy boy most of the time!!
The funeral service was held on Thursday and your Aunty Megan looked after you for a while. Apparently she spent most of the time saying "Thank you, I'll have that!"... over and over as she isn't used to prying little fingers wandering at your height around the place!!! Dad came and picked you up and brought you to the RSL where everyone was for the light luncheon. You were so well behaved!
On Friday morning I left you with all the relos while I went to the physio - I arrived back at Grans to find you having a drink with 'great' aunty Rel!! :o) It was a lovely sight.

This week you have discovered how to CLIMB!! On Tuesday morning Dad was looking after you for a while (as he was off work for the day) you kept climbing onto the coffee table infront of the T.V!! My goodness I didn't believe it until you climbed up onto the lounge to join your dad and I eating some potato chips the other night. Goodness me!! You were climbing back up onto the lounge whenever you had a chance - stood up and grabbed the tissue box .... We had to move everything that we thought was out-of-Greggie-reach as you can now get to it all!! argh!!

You also went in Uncle Graham and Aunty Lyndas pool for the first time... you didn't seem to like it very much - Chelsea thought it was great fun and grinned the whole time. You seem to be a lot like me.... like to sit and dangle your feet in!! You sat quite comfortably next to Aunty Lynda for quite some time before you popped in for a splash... you landed on the step but were not too impressed!!

This week looks like its set out to be a big week too with Christmas Partys (for Playgroup and my work) and last minute shopping and cleaning up the house for Christmas. I plan to see how you like full cream dairy milk this week sometime.... I wonder how you'll take to that!! I have my doubts.....
Anyhow... must get to bed so that we can be all ready for the big week ahead.
Love you lots, xoxox

(i'll add some more photos when it decides to work!!)

Monday, December 04, 2006

2 new things to report

Greggie my boy,
We've had a good day. We watched some t.v. together (the Aussies bat at cricket...) went and saw Dad at work, and bought some more chrissy pressies....
But you've also been able to do 2 new things today!! You used your bike 'properly' for the first time.... you sat on the seat, moved your feet along the floor and you went FORWARDS!! (And your feet actually touch the floor woot!) You were able to bring the bike all the way acroos the lounge room - you knew you were doing something special coz you had that HUGE cheeky grin on your face. *hugs*
You waited until Dad was home so that he could see the other new thing you did today. With an empty coke bottle in your left hand you walked through the kitchen holding one hand to mine!! Usually you won't even try to walk unless you are holding both my hands.... today you walked so much closer to doing it yourself... aww!!
Not sure what else we'll get up to this week - we'll have to wait and see.
Lots of hugs... Sleep well tonight my sweety.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Meeting Santa

Dear Greggles,
Its been a big week of getting over your sickness but you've done well. You're even back to eating food a bit better :o) YaY! Your teeth are worrying you a little especially at night times... Dad doesn't seem to even hear you when you stir through the night but I hear every little movement!!
Friday night was dads work Christmas party and your dad and I went to dinner with his workmates. You got to stay with Grandma and Grandad and Aunty Pammie :o) You were still a little unwell but still behaved quite well. Aunty Val and Uncle Jon arrived home for Grandmas party so they were also there looking after you. You got so excited when you saw me though and wouldn't let me go even to say goodbye although you started to wave goodbye as soon as I held you! lol
Saturday during the day you went shopping with Dad before coming home and picking me up to go with you. While we were out we went to Harvey Norman and you met Santa! He said hello and as there were no other children waiting he took the time to let you touch the sleeve of his fluffy coat!! You just grinned! He asked you if you wanted to sit next to him and as you did you grabbed your feet and started giggling. We get to pick up the photos on Thursday. I can't wait to see them!!
Saturday night was Grandmas party and you got to stay home with Nanna :o) as Dad and I went to the party. You were really good for Nanna - showed her all your toys, and how you can walk with the trolley, and even showed her your books. *hugs* I missed you though!

Today was Grandmas birthday lunch. As many family as could be were at Grandma and Grandads for a bbq lunch. Aunty Val and Uncle Jon were there for a little while but had to leave to get back to Sydney, Aunty Pam had to work :o( and Uncle Grum and cousin Chelsea were there for a while but went to a Chrissy party for a while. Great Gran and Poppa, Great Gran, Gran and Grandad, Beaux, Dad and myself were all there. It was quite a feast!! You loved both the watermelon and choccie sponge cake as much as I did!
Here you are offering anyone who reads this some of the yummy cake!! Not to mention everything else all over your face!!
I love ya lots. Lots of cuddles.... sleep well my darling