On Our Way

We're off on our little trip in the morning. Off to Newcastle to see Karina first then to Sydney to see Aunty Marg & Uncle Phil, Debbie, Wally & Taylah, then to stay with Aunty Val and Uncle Jon - you'll get your hips checked to see how they've been going. I'm hoping the brace will come off for day time and you have it for night time and/or sleeps, it would be good if if came off altogether, but I'm not planning on that yet either. While we're away I'll also check on how your other tests are going as we haven't heard anything yet.
Yesterday we went to your dads work as Linda had her 40th Birthday. This photo was taken as dad sat you on the dividing wall and you said hello to the birthday girl. You're so happy!! *huggle* Anyhow - best go pack :o)
Lotsa hugs
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