Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Good news

Hey darling,
We've been back from Sydney for a day and a bit.... and you are adjusting well to the change.... NO BRACE NO BRACE YAYAYAYAYAY! The thing that you've found most difficult adjusting to is sleeping without the restrictions.

We had a wonderful trip away. Heres some piccies.
Giggling with Karina on Sunday morning - no wonder we didnt get away on time!!

Gregory and Taylah 'eating' pegs at Aunty Margs

You had a wonderful time playing games with Tayah at Aunty Marg & Uncle Phils. We all had lunch there then you had a play with Taylah - on the rug with the toys, in the swing and with the pegs.

You thought it was fantastic when you had a go on Taylahs bike! Although you couldn't yet reach the pedals you just grabbed handle bar and giggled!

Later we went to Aunty Val & Uncle Jons where we stayed for 2 nights.
We sat you in the clothes basket where you enjoyed playing with Vals monkey - can you pick which is the real monkey?

You really enjoy having your own carseat back - its so comfy! My sleepy boy.... now you can reach your feet while we are driving and manage to pull your socks off!! It was such hard work that soon you became sleepy!

(got more to say but gotta go look after youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!)


Friday, July 21, 2006

On Our Way

Hey Darling Smiling Boy :o) You've been pretty good over the last few days - although I don't include the hours between 3 & 5 Tuesday night in this *grunt*
We're off on our little trip in the morning. Off to Newcastle to see Karina first then to Sydney to see Aunty Marg & Uncle Phil, Debbie, Wally & Taylah, then to stay with Aunty Val and Uncle Jon - you'll get your hips checked to see how they've been going. I'm hoping the brace will come off for day time and you have it for night time and/or sleeps, it would be good if if came off altogether, but I'm not planning on that yet either. While we're away I'll also check on how your other tests are going as we haven't heard anything yet.
Yesterday we went to your dads work as Linda had her 40th Birthday. This photo was taken as dad sat you on the dividing wall and you said hello to the birthday girl. You're so happy!! *huggle* Anyhow - best go pack :o)
Lotsa hugs

Monday, July 17, 2006

All smiles

Dad arrived home for lunch today and you were so happy! Giggling and laughing the whole time. I sat you in the high-chair and you started to hit your hands on the tray of the high chair. I made your lunch - you had a vegemite sandwich and some cheese. Mr smiles :o)

We've planned our trip to Newcastle/Sydney for your hip-check on Monday next week. All fingers crossed for good news! Maybe you won't have to wear the brace all the time! That would be amazing - and scary.,... we'll never be able to stop you!
Lots of hugs for you :o)
Mummy xoxoxoxoxox

Saturday, July 15, 2006

An Update :o)

Hey Greggles.
I've finally gotten in and cleaned up your room and sorted through all your clothes!! I've got a box of clothes too small for you already! Goodness you are growing so quickly! You now have 4 teeth which are really easy to see whenever you smile - which is quite often :o) You also have another (few?) on their way as your cheeks have been rosy red again! It makes me relieved that you are now a bottle baby! Speaking of which, you actually took some of your bottle from DADDY!! A big step as you've
only taken it from me up until now.
The photos have been added to show your teeth and your curls!! You started showing signs of real curls last week but with all the rainy weather your hair has really gone curly! It is especially so when you wake up :o) Ooooo I like them.... Daddy says "chop em off" just like he says about his. I think they'll be around for a little while longer yet!! hehehee :o)

Anyhow, Im off to bed finally! (I hope.... for some reason you are still awake!! grrr!!)
Love you my baby boy!
Mum xoxox

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The times they are a changing...

Well my boy.... lots of things have happened lately. You now had 4 teeth that are quite prominant :o) But the biggest news is that you are now a BOTTLE BABY!! After you bit me last week (ouchies!), your father and I decided it was bottle time now. You surprised us both how quickly you adjusted to the bottle!
Lots to do, talk to you soon my darling :o)
*lotsa hugs*

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Day Trippin' & Chocolate

Here you are playing with the new toy that Godma Julie bought you when we went shopping with her in Orange yesterday. Its got Cookie Monster and Elmo and it makes noises when you put the shapes into the holes! I think you enjoy just chewing the pieces at the moment - thats ok coz mum is enjoying using the sound part of it for the moment!

I'll update morea about our trip to Orange soon.
Just wanna post some piccies for now :o)

Here is Greggles all asleep in the car on the way to Orange. Such red cheeks - teething my son, teething! ARGH!

Here you are with Great Uncle Phil Aikins. (You have 3 Great Uncle Phils!!) Its good to see you smiling and having fun. Even if it is just the chocolate wrapper not the choccie hehehe.

Somebody likes chocolate.... You must be your mothers son!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Bonfire night

It has been a long day my boy, but we've had some fun. Dad went to a computer LAN for the day so it's been you and me :D (well and a few others!!)
Here is a photo of you with Dad this morning - you've taught dad some bad habbits already! You look so happy with your father :o)

We had lunch at A.Lyndas & U.Grums before heading home to pack to go for a little day trip. We then went via Pammies place and picked her up. Grandma was happy to see you even if it was only a short visit.
With Pammie in our car, and U.Grum, A.Lynda and Chelsea in the car behind we drove to Narromine and dropped in on U.Jons mum and dad (John and Janice). We had a lovely cuppa, cake and bikkies... and you got to see Oscar! (the cat)
After a nice visit we headed out to the bonfire and Naomi's friends place. You could see the bonfire from the road... it was HUGE! and really nice and warm :o) *yay*
Chelsea and you were both snuggled into your prams for a while before a yummy dinner. We soon found that you didn't need to be really rugged up as it was so nice and warm! Mum had a yummy dinner while you went visiting with some of the people there - you didn't seem to mind too much though! You surprised me when you fell asleep for about an hour and gave me some time to join in the games being played.

(Heres a few photos from the bonfire. One with just you, and one with ME xox)

Later, there were sparklers, you watched but then decided that you just wanted to touch it (no, I wasn't surprised!).... After a really good night we drove back home to Dubbo (you slept in the car as you mostly do when we travel) and picked your Daddy up from the LAN. He was as excited to see you as you him.
Its now about 1:00 and you've just gone to bed. Thank you for a lovely day Gregory, I can't wait to give you a big hug and kiss in the morning (just don't make it too early!)
lotsa love,