Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hey Mr Greggie,
It seems like such a long day already although it is only 2:00. Maybe it is because I had to wake YOU up this morning not the other way round!!
Today we went to playgroup and you had a blast! Aunty Lynda and Chelsea came too today.
I dressed you in a colourful striped T-shirt and some cute blue and orange shorts and you look so grown up! argh!
You spent the first little while outside playing with a little plastic tricycle... you didn't actually sit on it but you pushed round the outside play area for ages. After a while you got distracted and went inside momentarily (which you ended up doing all morning!!) Chelsea ended up sitting on the trike that you were pushing.... and you came back and pushed her on it. I wish I had my camera!! You were both laughing .... Chelsea figured out that her feet didnt get caught under the wheels if she stuck them out the front. You guys managed to go about 10 metres before falling over and both finding some crocodile tears! Up and at-em... :o)
You did so many fun things.... another of your favourite playgroup activities from today was the sandpit. You were quite happy sitting at the edge with a bucket of sand and tipping it from the bucket into a cup with a ladle/spoon. It was great until I noticed that you tasted it... eiw yuckie!!
It was all over you face and up your arms... but thats what being a little boy is all about huh... getting down and playing in the sand and dirt.
We had some morning tea - you didn't seem to be interested except in a drink - you just wanted to play with the lego while there were no other kids near it!
The other thing you had fun doing was playing with an older boy who together you were chasing balls around the yard. He'd throw it and you go and get it and throw it a little way and he'd throw it back across the yard and you'd chase it again. NO wonder you are so tired!! (I'm tired from just watching you!)
Yes you were a busy little beaver and you look so grown up - it hasn't taken very long and here you are walking around, pushing bikes, running after balls (trying to anyhow! haha how lovely), playing in the sandpit and starting to talk. One of the other parents noticed how excitable you are.... talking as you're walking, clapping your hands when something exciting happens, arms waving about as you try to run. awww!!!

When we left playgroup we went to Dads work and he wasnt there so we called him and went and picked him up. We went and had some lunch with him at McDonalds.... aww you look so grown up !!
Anyhow... I'm off to go and have a rest now that you are resting. (Told you I was tried just from watching you!!)
Lots of hugs,

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hip Trip

Hey Gregory
(this follows the previous bloggie :o))

When we left Chelseas your temperature soared and we dosed you on panadol the whole way. We stopped off at Godma Julies for a while where you saw the puppies and kitties. We ended up staying there for dinner although you didn't seem to interested in any sort of food. Our next stop was in the mountains - you were asleep and I picked up keys for Aunty Marg and Uncle Phils house at the Hydro Majestic. It was cool outside as we had rain for nearly the whole trip. Shortly after this you woke up and I joined you in the back of the car. I managed to give you some more panadol and milk and took your temp. Soon you were sleeping again.

We arrived at Aunty Marg and Uncle Phils around midnight which wasn't too bad of timing
considering the number of stops we made. It didn't take much to settle you - which I was really thankful for although you were a little unsure of your surroundings when you woke and all you wanted was mummy.

Sunday when we got up we headed to Debbie and Wally's to visit them, Taylah and Jaime. You enjoyed playing with Taylah and her ball pit and slippery dip. You also loved seeing Kody outside (their pet labrador). When we sat down for some 'brekky', both you and Taylah sat at her table and ate some toast together. It was quite a sight! After some food, the two of you chased each other around the house.... Taylah walking and you crawled after her (you still find this quicker!) It was all good until you caught up with her and tried to stand up using her to pull yourself up and you both ended up head over heels!! ah well!! Soon after this, Jaime woke up and you liked being able to look at a smaller baby. You were quite gentle with her too.

After playtime and a quick drink we packed the car and headed to visit Dan who lives near Paddington. We arrived there and you had some more drink before we decided to go shopping at the mega-homeware shops. You were such a good boy although someone ended up holding you and someone else pushing the empty stroller! aah well... the sacrifices we make for you eh? After shopping we drove Dan to pick up his wallet and dropped him back home before heading to Parramatta to book into the hotel. We booked in and headed to Lonestar for dinner where you stole a few hearts with your curls. You also managed to walk down some stairs all by your self! So proud of you.
We stopped by the shops and bought you some new bath toys for your bath at the motel. You thought it was so much fun!! At least we got you smiling. You settled really well after this and Dad kept an eye on you while I spoiled myself with a spa ;o)

Monday morning we managed to get to the hospital on time. We waited for almost 3 hours. before being told that we needed to get your x-ray done (which I had suggested when we arrived but they didn't listen!). Lucky we didn't wait very long at x-ray and when we got back from x-ray. The doctors discussed your x-ray quite substantially. All things are going ok..... there is one thing that they are concerned about but will check up again in 12 months time as it may rectify by itself. So YAY :o) Good news!!!

Meanwhile,.... Dan was checking out ebay for us and bid on a tandem pram for you and bub2 to share. We ended up winning the auction and were able to pick it up within 2 hours of the end of auction!! So we picked up some lunch and headed to Roseville/Chatswood area and picked it up from a nice lady who showed us how to use it properly. We didn't even need to re-arrange our luggage too much to be able to fit it in! (and the boot was by no means empty!!!)

After picking up the pram we headed to the Chase (shopping centre) as Dad needed to fix the headlight on the car which was successfully changed before heading back to Aunty Marg and Uncle Phils place for dinner and to stay the night.
After dinner you had a bath in the big spa bath tub - you chased the soap all around and got a little frustrated when you finally caught it but it slipped out of your hands!! When you had finished your bath, Aunty Marg found a blow-up Qantas plane and had a lovely play with you. You quite enjoyed the new toys to play with. It didn't take long before you were tired and needed to go to bed. With teddies in arms you settled and slept quite well... I slept in the same room as you and you only stirred once during the night and we both slept really well.

Tuesday morning we woke up in time to see Uncle Phil and Aunty Marg before they headed off to work. I thought you may have slept for a little longer but it was good timing really. Daddy was soon awake and looked after you while I got the car all packed and ready to go. We went via Krispy Kreme donuts and also via the Harvey Norman factory outlet and were on the road before too long.

It wasn't long and you were asleep, and you work shortly before we had planned to stop - which was Spring Hill near Orange to visit Julie again. Julie has just opened up a takeaway food place so we stopped there for lunch. It was sooooo yummy!
We arrived home around 5:30ish and you seemed relieved to be home.... as were we all! Daddy unpacked the car as I organised your bottle and nappy. We gave Daddy a break and went to visit Grandma and Grandad before they headed off on Wednesday for Phillip Island. Grandma was there and she was glad to see you! You even walked over to her and had a bit of a chat too. Grandma looked after you for a few mins while I ducked out and got some dinner for us and came back and picked you up.

After dinner we all slept really well!! It had been a long 4 days away but we're home safe and sound. There's now only 7 weeks until your baby brother or sister joins the world. (Could have something to do with why the time away took its toll on me more-so!)

Love you lots

Chelseas 1st birthday

Gday Gorgeous boy!
We've had a busy week and so much has happened.

Last Friday night you came down with a fever - and didn't sleep really well through the night. First time in ages! But Saturday was a birthday party for Chelsea, so after we packed the car ready for our road trip, we headed up to Uncle Grum and Aunty Lynda's for the celebrations. You forgot how sick you were feeling as soon as you saw Chelsea and the two of you were off playing together in no time. Together you used Chelsea's walker and looked so happy playing. (although you still didn't look your happy self). When other guests arrived you were good and watched Chelsea open her presents.... when they were actually unwrapped is a different story!! She got lovely chairs and table which you promptly sat yourself up to and watched as Chelsea unwrapped more pressies. Later she was given a set of balls and squishy bath toys which you thought were great!! As we sang happy birthday Chelsea pulled the lollies off the side of the cake and ate them!! hehee

After the cake we jumped in the car and headed off on our road trip.
(see the next bloggie)