Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A 6+ monthly update

Hey Greggie (and anyone else who reads this)
Its been a while - since Christmas! and its getting close to Christmas again! (oh Dear!)

We've moved house, you and Mitch are now sharing a room & enjoying it lots. As soon as we told you this was 'our house' you called it 'our house' and kept asking to 'go to our house' which was just fantastic :o) You've 'helped' us put up the new curtains in your room and have adjusted wonderfully to the move - except at night time - you were both going great until early last week you discovered that you are both in the same room and have someone to chat too!!
It is great now that we have a driveway out in the yard for both you and Mitch to ride your bikes safely on. We also now have a cubby house and you think its just so much fun!!

We head to playgroup on Tuesdays and you know where we are going and get very excited - Mitchell takes your lead and gets very excited too - kicking legs and giggling while you yell out praygrop! (*playgroup*). Your favourite things to play with are the bikes and the sandpit, although lately you're really enjoying joining in the craft, songs and books.

You're still going to E.I. and LOVE it :o) Dad and I have been doing a course there about teaching you how to talk - its amazing how much more you're talking in the last few months and many others have noticed too.

You are just growing up so fast! I can't believe that you'll be turning 3 in just over a months time.

You're starting to learn colours - Dad isnt impressed that you know what the colour PINK is first! hahaha! Oh well :o) You also can count to 6 - and to ten too if you are concentrating (not just rattle off the numbers but have 1-1 correspondence *teacher talk* hahaha)

You love being a big brother - whenever you and Mitch spend time apart (even just for a sleep) you ALWAYS greet him with a big cuddle and most times a kiss on the cheek too *aww* its lovely to see.

I hope this helps satisfy the blog-readers - if only for a little while ;)
Love you lots my big boy!