Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Friday, December 07, 2007

Another long time no blog..

My Goodness Gregory!
I have neglected this blog a little of late - so much has happened!!

You turned 2 years old! Had a wonderful THOMAS birthday. All your Grandparents and cousins were here for your party - your Great Gran A, U.Grum, A.Lynda, U.Michael, A.Megs, U.Andy. Also your friends from playtime - Sharon, Michael, Makayla, Matthiea and Daniel and some other wonderful friends. You had a Thomas cake, got a backpack, little lounge, train-set, Wiggles Car, and lots of other wonderful presents.
Your birthday at Playtime

Cutting your cake at your 2nd Birthday Party

You are growing up so much - started the 'terrible two's' only the day after your party - tantrums.... and you continue this at the most 'convenient' (NOT!) times. Along with the terrible two's is the 'big boy' who helps mummy. You love helping when you can especially when it comes to being near Mitchell. There has been many times where you are just so helpful...... (maybe!! lol! Things take so much longer but its better then the tantrums!)

We've done some really special things including:
*I took you and Gran A to the local Japanese Gardens 5 year anniversary. We had a lovely time - you had an icecream, we saw some duckies and watched the pipe band play. You also made a flower arrangement and saw the Japanese kites flying.
Looking at the kites

*FDC Christmas party at the park - they had a jumping castle and you just did NOT want to get off (a far cry from your first time where you screamed until you got off!! lol). You also saw Santa who gave you some lollies. *sticky and yummy*
Speaking of Santa - you don't seem to like him much at the moment - even with the enticement of a toy car you won't go near him! It's been 3 weeks since I started trying to get a Santa photo of you and your brother - and I'm still trying!! argh!

*went swimming at A.Lynda and U.Grums pool again - you did enjoy it this time. I think it helped that Jared, Chelsea and U.G were already happy in the pool. We put you into one of the floating ring seats and you had a great time!! You giggled heaps when Mitchell jumped into the other ring and bumped into you a few times.
The other water you've been in has been Gran and Grandads new spa. There is a little water fountain that you just love playing with - you dont like going over the deep part AT ALL - although Mitchie would prefer it - especially if he is in the floating ring :o)

At E.I. you've learned how to go up a slipperydip and come down safely, been encouraged on the swing (yay!) and walking up and down stairs. They have also taught you how to throw and catch which is really good fun!! The other thing you like is the t-ball game with the bat and ball - although you get frustrated that you have to ASK for more to have another go!!

It was great at the park today to see you climbing the BIG play equipment by yourself (and encouraging the younger kids!) and going down the swirling slide all by yourself!. A.Pam came and helped you on the swing - something you haven't ever liked before but I had LOTS of trouble getting you off there to go home.

On other news:
*Lately you have learned to say "mum/mummy" and continue to whine this ALL THE TIME!
*When driving in the car you and Mitchell hold hands and smile at each other!
*You have learned to blow kisses, give kisses, and give hugs - especially to your Dad and Mum!
*You are enjoying Family Day care. Built up a real relationship with your daycare mum - you blew her a goodbye kiss yesterday.
*Most sleep times are good - as you know what is expected, you get teddy and a drink and you climb up into bed, head on the pillow and blow me a kiss *awww*!!

You helped me make Christmas cards this year - you had such a great time!

After a busy time making cards, Chelsea and You chilling on your bike - together!

Must go check on you both now.
Love you lots!