Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Monday, July 23, 2007

Quack Quack Quack Cockadoodledoo

Hey Mr Greggie!
I've been a slacker .... I seem to start your blogs with this lately!!
You've been busy and haven't we all!! (Ok.... lets see how much I can fit into 1 bloggie!)

Theres a few things to report since I last posted. You've been getting some help with your communication - speech & such as you were getting frustrated at not being able to let me know what you want. Only this week you've really started nodding when I ask you questions and you want to say 'yes' like do you want some more drink? and you'll nod your head and smile. You've also learned some sign language for 'more' and 'go'. It didn't take you long to pick up on the 'more'.... especially if it means more muesli bar!!! You bring me your toy bus and do the action for 'go' when you want me to turn the lights & music on. It's good that you're able to communicate a bit more - I'm not being bashed up quite so much!!! Your latest word (you're trying sooooooo hard) is cuddle... you get 'cuddd' out!! and you've figured out that cuddle and hug mean the same thing.
Now that you're not as frustrated with communicating you can say 'teddy'!! You've also learned different parts of the body - you know nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet. You're picking this up so quickly! You've also been clever and known that you want to have a sleep, you go and get your teddy and cuddle him and walk to the bedroom door. Sometimes you just lay down on the floor with teddy and point to the door. Aww!!
I've been inspired and made you (finally) a book suggested by EI. It's called 'Greg can...' and has pictures of things that you can recognise either by saying it or doing an action. Things in the book include your favourite thing... CARS!! - I gave you some magazines and you pointed out the car saying CAR CAR!! You went and got your car and sat it ontop! Awww. We went through and found a dog, cat, persons face, an elephant (you do the trunk), theres a mobile phone (you put your hand to your ear and start babbling and nodding!! lol), some shoes (you get your own shoes or point to your feet :o)), photo of you and dad, picture of a teddy and some other stuff. You seem to like it and we'll keep adding to it when you learn a new word or action. I look through it and am amazed at what you know already :o)

Mitchell was in the bouncer the other night at the dinner table and you were in your highchair. Mitchie started to coo and goo at you so you talked right back. You guys had a real long conversation!! It was gorgeous :o)

What else to report....
A.Megs, U.Mike and Makka looked after you for a while last week - I wasn't very well. (Megs Mike and Makka all had the flu too!!) I came over to check up on you and you were sleeping in the cot... first time ever around the right way with a blanket over you!! Awww!
You had your first sleep over without me or daddy :o) You stayed at A.Lynda, U.Grums, Chelsea and Jareds while I had a brief stay in hospital. Apparently you were really good, went to bed fairly early and even sat on the fold out lounge with Chelsea - one arm around her, watching the cars!! A.Lynda has some photos too which I will get soon.

It has also been school holidays so we haven't been to playgroup for a while. I had planned to go this week but you and Mitchell both have come down with Megs, Mike and Makkas cold! Oh dear so we may miss it this week too (which is a shame because I know how much you like playgroup). The first week of the holidays Makka and Chelsea came over for a homemade pizza lunch. It was quite a bit of fun.

Mitchell recently joined you in the big bath! Together you enjoyed the water, and you even stopped splashing :o) Im not sure that Mitchell is quite old enough to play with the duckies with you but you were lovely to share them anyhow!!Here are you two in the bath together :0) Not sure what Mitchell is thinking!!

It has also been so freezing cold here that when we go outside you put your jacket on (you go and get it yourself) and put your beanie on too. Last weekend you wanted to go for a walk even though it was really cold and the sun was going down. I don't blame you being cooped up inside all the time. We went to Nanna and Cookie's last night and you stood infront of the wood fire and held your hands out and rubbed them together - lol!!.
Here you are - outside :o) In the cold!!!

You're also really enjoying watching music especially the Wiggles on tv. You love doing all the actions - its hilarious watching you do the wobbly wobbly dance!!! Your favourite TV show at the moment is Raggs the Dog - they do songs and theres usually a storyline too. You just get up and dance nearly the whole time!!!
I've started singing duck songs to you.... 5 little ducks went out one day.... etc... when I get to the quack part you pull your arms up into wings and flap!! Its so funny. You also love Quack Quack Quack Cockadoodledoo!! You do the same thing.

Friday night Chelsea, Jared, U.Grum and A.Lynda joined us for dinner. We got some photos of all of you on the lounge together. . It was a challenge to have you all sitting still for long enough for a photo!!
Here you are with Jared and Mitchell

Well, you're in bed hopefully your fever has gone down a little. I'll be up throughout the night checking up on you.
You are growing up so quickly and learning so much all the time.
Must scoot, - more photos coming soon.